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Shreya GaggadShreya Gaggad 

Lost badges

Hi Team,

Till 7th March, I was able to login with Google Plus to my Trailheads
Since Yesterday, I am no more able to see the option of logging in with
Google Plus.

My email through which I connected to Google Plus login was
So, I tried to "login with Google" as "Google Plus" was not available. I
used as the email and a new trailhead account got created.
When I logged in to this account, it was a completely new account with 0
points and 0 badges.
I had 37 badges and 40,650 points when I used to log in with Google Plus.

I tried contacting salesforce team by submitting case but i did not get any reply.

Could you please help me?

Hi Shreya,

Did you try below option ?

Easier account recovery
When you sign up or log in with email, or add an email address as an account-recovery method, we'll send a one-time verification password to your email address. Use that password when prompted, and you'll be back on the trail to learning with Salesforce Trailhead.

Nilesh Thakur 12Nilesh Thakur 12
Hi Shreya, I am having the same issue and rasied a case #00062496. Waiting for there reply.  I have posted a similar question in this forum too. 
Ajay K DubediAjay K Dubedi

Hi Shreya,

It could be your browser related issue.
Clear Cache in Browsers.
Check from Different Browsers.
check For Updated Version of Browser.

If it's not working then email to and they will assist you in identifying and providing the solution for your issue.

Thanks and Regards,
Ajay K Dubedi

Nilesh Thakur 12Nilesh Thakur 12
Shreya GaggadShreya Gaggad
Thank you all for responses. I tried all the above methods but it did not work. I sent the mail to but I got a reply stating case can't be created.
@nilesh thakur Let me know if you get any response form salesforce.
anju kumarianju kumari
I have also same issue and also tried after clearing cache and different browsers also but having the same issue. 

Please help
Khan AnasKhan Anas (Salesforce Developers) 

Greetings to you!

Unfortunately, there is an issue while login into trailhead using Google. This is a known issue.

I suggest you please reach out to the trailhead support team with the respective trailhead account email/username so that they can look into it.

You will get an email from trailhead team (if you log a case) when the issue gets resolved.

Please refer below link to open a case:

I hope it helps you.

Kindly mark this as solved if the information was helpful.

Thanks and Regards,
Khan Anas
Nilesh Thakur 12Nilesh Thakur 12
Any updates on this issue ? I am still unable to retreive my progress ...