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Wahid BuhariWahid Buhari 

Updating currency ISO code without currency field values updated


I have around 300 records on a object (which is a child object) having currency ISO code as USD which is wrong in first place because the values have been pulled from another object with right currency code for calculation however the values have been stored in this child object with Currency Code as USD. Now I would like to update these child records with its parent's Currency Iso code. When I tried updating single record, the currency values automatically updated to the converting currency code(say EUR). To make it in simple words, I want to update currency ISO code of a record without the values in currency fields updated automatically! 

SandhyaSandhya (Salesforce Developers) 

This is the standard currency field, which will get calculated once there is any changes in Exchange Currency

Check the workaround given in below link.
Best Regards,
Wahid BuhariWahid Buhari
Thanks for your sugesstion Sandhya. 
Actually I have acheived what I wanted. I did the following 
1. Query and take all the records I want to update (in workbench)
2. Update only Currency ISO code, not the values in the currency fields
3. And update the records using Workbench 
It did update only currency code which I wanted!
Gabriel OrtizGabriel Ortiz

Hey Wahid, 

I tried that but it's not working for me. 

  1. When updating the CurrencyISOCode thru Workbench, all other currency fields on the record are converted automatically.

Here is an example

  1. Record A has CurrencyISOCode = MXN and Anual_Salary__c = 20 MXN
  2. After updating that field with Workbench to USD
  3. All other currency fields are converted to USD, but I don't want them to change. Anual_Salary__c = 1 USD 

Do you know why? Do you know any workaround?

Thank you!