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Custom Links in Custom Visualforce Page
How can I use custom links on custom visualforce pages?
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If it helps please mark as correct, it may help others.
Check that if Home is a custom object you have to use $Action.Home__c.Comercial_Documents
If i am being helpfull please like or if your query is solved mark as correct.
Label Comercial Documents
Object Name Home
Name Comercial_Documents
<apex:outputLink value="{!URLFOR($Action.Home.Comercial_Documents}"></apex:outputLink>
<apex:outputLink value="{!URLFOR($Action.Home__c.Comercial_Documents}"></apex:outputLink>
I tried both ways but I'm getting the same error
Field $Action.Home__c.Comercial_Documents does not exist. Check spelling.
I can use those custom links in my homepage using salesforce interface but I can't with custom vf pages
Thanks for your reply
This article has another option using a:href but you will have the same issue, check the api name of your custom link.