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Julie Curry 19Julie Curry 19 

soql query on Task object to grab field on custom object in whatID

I am trying to create a soql query and pull in a field from the custom object whose ID appears in the task whatId/'related to' field.

I've tried what resembles the below in the query but nothing is working. Is the fact that whatId is a polymorphic field preventing me from being able to grab the field in the related object? Or can someone tell me how to do this if it's possible?


Thank you in advance for your help!
AnudeepAnudeep (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Julie, 

WhatId represents ID of a related Account, Opportunity, Campaign, Case, or custom object. Since WhatId can refer to any number of object types, you can't reference a custom field from a single one of those objects.

You should write multiple queries
Task t = [SELECT WhatId FROM Task WHERE Id = 'Task Id']; 

your_Object__c m = [SELECT id FROM My_Object__c WHERE Id =: t.WhatId];

See Relationship Queries to learn more
