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laxmi narayan 11
Update Campaign Status from another object Status using trigger
Hi there,
I have a object Campaign_Follow_Up_Stage__c ,on this object i have a Campaign Lookup.
* On Campaign_Follow_Up_Stage__c object, i have a status field, when i insert or update record,if status = "Planned" , It changed the Campaign Field status into "In-Progress",If if status = "Draft" , It changed the Campaign Field status into "Planned" and if status = "Compelete" , It changed the Campaign Field status into "Compelete".
I wrote this:-
trigger updateCampaignStatus on Campaign_Follow_Up_Stage__c (after Update,after insert) {
set<Id> campIds = new set<Id>();
for(Campaign_Follow_Up_Stage__c c :{
if(c.Status__c == 'Planned'){
List<Campaign> cmList = [SELECT id, status FROM Campaign WHERE id In :campIds];
for(Campaign cm : cmList){
cm.status = 'In Progress';
update cmList;
Any help appreciated!
I have a object Campaign_Follow_Up_Stage__c ,on this object i have a Campaign Lookup.
* On Campaign_Follow_Up_Stage__c object, i have a status field, when i insert or update record,if status = "Planned" , It changed the Campaign Field status into "In-Progress",If if status = "Draft" , It changed the Campaign Field status into "Planned" and if status = "Compelete" , It changed the Campaign Field status into "Compelete".
I wrote this:-
trigger updateCampaignStatus on Campaign_Follow_Up_Stage__c (after Update,after insert) {
set<Id> campIds = new set<Id>();
for(Campaign_Follow_Up_Stage__c c :{
if(c.Status__c == 'Planned'){
List<Campaign> cmList = [SELECT id, status FROM Campaign WHERE id In :campIds];
for(Campaign cm : cmList){
cm.status = 'In Progress';
update cmList;
Any help appreciated!
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Good luck!
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If it solves your issue please mark as correct so it can help others asking the same.
Good luck!
Thank you soo much.