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Getting a "We can’t find 'reduceErrors' imported into contactList.js." in the Handle Server Error Trailhead

Hi all, I am working on the Handle Server Error part in Trailhead as part of the Lightning Web Components and Salesforce Data Module

I am attempting to allow for error handling and write my code as follows

import { LightningElement, wire } from 'lwc';
import {
} from 'c/ldsUtils';
import getContactList from '@salesforce/apex/ContactController.getContactList';

export default class ContactList extends LightningElement {
    @wire(getContactList) contacts;

    handleSelect(event) {
        // 1. Prevent default behavior of anchor tag click which is to navigate to the href url
        // 2. Create a custom event that bubbles. Read about event best practices at
        const selectEvent = new CustomEvent('contactselect', {
            detail: { contactId: event.currentTarget.dataset.contactId }
        // 3. Fire the custom event
    get errors() {
        return (this.accounts.error) ?
            reduceErrors(this.accounts.error) : [];

    <template if:true={}>
        <template if:true={errors}>
        <template for:each={} for:item="contact">
                        <img src={contact.Picture__c} alt="Profile photo" />
                    <lightning-layout-item padding="horizontal-small">

public with sharing class ContactController {
    public static List<Contact> getContactList() {
        throw new AuraHandledException('Forced error');
        /*return [
            SELECT Id, Name, Title, Phone, Email, Picture__c
            FROM Contact
            WHERE Picture__c != null
            LIMIT 10

    public static List<Contact> findContacts(String searchKey) {
        String key = '%' + searchKey + '%';
        return [
            SELECT Id, Name, Title, Phone, Email, Picture__c
            FROM Contact
            WHERE Name LIKE :key AND Picture__c != null
            LIMIT 10

    public static Contact getSingleContact() {
        return [
            SELECT Id, Name, Title, Phone, Email, Picture__c
            FROM Contact
            LIMIT 1

But I get this error We can’t find 'reduceErrors' imported into contactList.js. Any steps I need to take here.

Adelchi PelizzoAdelchi Pelizzo
Hi did you by any chance get an error similar to this one during this test?
Challenge not yet complete, reference ID: XKRQFLHI. Error: Restforce::UnauthorizedError. Message: INVALID_AUTH_HEADER: INVALID_HEADER_TYPE
@adelchi, Haven't seen that error.
SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
@adelchi, The error code you are seeing is something like GACK Id in salesforce that needs digging into backend logs, and hence you need to reach out to Trailhead support for assistance.

See related post: You might want to try the approach mentioned in this post i.e., "When you goto hands-on-org from your profile icon you need to select disconnect option to disconnect the org your doing the challenge in, and if that org has a label i.e. name for the org, then do not give a name after re-connecting, leave label blank...refresh then logout and login to check it's ok."

Cameron BechtloffCameron Bechtloff
I just had the same issue. the import statement for reduceErrors needs to all be on one line to pass the challenge
Marcelo da Silva VelameMarcelo da Silva Velame
have you managed to solve this challenge? Could you share with us how you managed to do it?
Marcelo da Silva VelameMarcelo da Silva Velame
I did the challenge that way and it worked.
Follow my code:


<template if:true={}>
<template if:true={errors}>


import { LightningElement, wire } from 'lwc';
import CONTACT_FIRSTNAME from '@salesforce/schema/Contact.FirstName';
import CONTACT_LASTNAME from '@salesforce/schema/Contact.LastName';
import CONTACT_EMAIL from '@salesforce/schema/Contact.Email';
import getContacts from '@salesforce/apex/ContactController.getContacts';
import { reduceErrors } from 'c/ldsUtils';
const COLUMNS = [
{ label: 'First Name',fieldName: CONTACT_FIRSTNAME.fieldApiName, type: 'text' },
{ label: 'Last Name', fieldName: CONTACT_LASTNAME.fieldApiName, type: 'text' },
{ label: 'Email', fieldName: CONTACT_EMAIL.fieldApiName, type: 'email' }
export default class ContactList extends LightningElement {
columns = COLUMNS;
wiredContacts({ error, data }) {
if (data) {
this.contacts = data;
this.error = undefined;
} else if (error) {
this.error = error;
this.contacts = undefined;
get errors() {
return (this.accounts.error) ?
reduceErrors(this.accounts.error) : [];


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LightningComponentBundle xmlns="">


public with sharing class ContactController {
public static List<Contact> getContacts() {
throw new AuraHandledException('Forced error');
/* return [
SELECT FirstName, LastName, Email
FROM Contact

In the case to see it working if you want to search for contacts just uncomment the code.

: D
Juan Pablo Rodriguez M 5Juan Pablo Rodriguez M 5

Hi everyone!

@MedhanieHabte you can see this projects for complete the example in trailhead.

My code is the next: 

------------- HTML ------------------

<template if:true={}>
<template if:true={errors}>

----------------- JS -----------------

import { LightningElement, api, wire } from 'lwc';
import FIRSTNAME_FIELD from '@salesforce/schema/Contact.FirstName';
import LASTNAME_FIELD from '@salesforce/schema/Contact.LastName';
import EMAIL_FIELD from '@salesforce/schema/Contact.Email';
import getContacts from '@salesforce/apex/ContactController.getContacts';
import { reduceErrors } from 'c/ldsUtils';
const COLUMNS = [
{ label: 'First Name', fieldName: FIRSTNAME_FIELD.fieldApiName, type: 'text' },
{ label: 'Last Name', fieldName: LASTNAME_FIELD.fieldApiName, type: 'text' },
{ label: 'Email', fieldName: EMAIL_FIELD.fieldApiName, type: 'text' }
export default class ContactList extends LightningElement {
columns = COLUMNS; // Set columns to show
get errors() {
return (this.contacts.error) ?
reduceErrors(this.contacts.error) : [];

------------------ XML -----------------

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LightningComponentBundle xmlns="">

------------------- APEX ---------------------

public with sharing class ContactController {
// Constructor by default
public ContactController() { }
public static List<Contact> getContacts() {
List<Contact> lstCon = new List<Contact>();
try {
lstCon = [SELECT FirstName, LastName, Email FROM Contact WITH SECURITY_ENFORCED ORDER BY FirstName];
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AuraHandledException('An error ocurred: ', e);
} finally {
// Don't send errors
// throw new AuraHandledException('Forced error ...');
return lstCon;
//Handler Exception Class
public class AuraHandledException extends Exception { }

Good luck!!! 


Terry UlanchTerry Ulanch
1. ) Obtained the ldsUtils  component from
      NOTE: your getting/creating  a "component"
2.) Create a  create a LWC component named "ldsUtils" in the org you where need this this component.  Creating a LWC component using VisualStudio's right mouse action will by default create ldsUtils.html, ldsUtils.js and ldsUtils.js-meta.xml automatically.
3.) Replace the default  ldsUtils.js and ldsUtils.js-meta.xml files with the files from the github.
Ankit Rawat 41Ankit Rawat 41
Hi Guys. I just resolved this problem for Handle Server Errors In LWC and Salesforce Data Trailhead. Steps are as follows;
1. Goto this link first
2. Select lwc-recipes/force-app/main/default/lwc/ldsUtils/ and copy it.
3. In VS Code under force-app\main\default Lwc Folder right click and create New Folder and paste this what you copied in step 2.
4. After this right click on pasted folder and make new file and add both ldsUtils.js and ldsUtils.js-meta.xml with its data inside it. 
5. u can deploy sourse to org successfullyUser-added image
Taha HaiderTaha Haider
Getting this error!!

Unable to find Apex action method referenced as 'ContactController.getContacts'.

Can somebody help me!
Valentin Goncharenko 1Valentin Goncharenko 1
I resolved "We can’t find 'reduceErrors' imported into contactList.js" by adding ';' after every import. However, maybe it was needed only for 'reduceErrors' import
import { LightningElement, wire } from 'lwc';
import { reduceErrors } from 'c/ldsUtils';
import getContacts from '@salesforce/apex/ContactController.getContacts';
import FNAME_FIELD from '@salesforce/schema/Contact.FirstName';
import LNAME_FIELD from '@salesforce/schema/Contact.LastName';
import EMAIL_FIELD from '@salesforce/schema/Contact.Email';

Erika Gabriela VillanuevaErika Gabriela Villanueva

Hello I solved it like this:

        <template if:true={}>
        <template if:true={errors}>

If you get an error in ldsUtils check this post

import { LightningElement, wire } from 'lwc';
import { reduceErrors } from 'c/ldsUtils';
import getContacts from '@salesforce/apex/ContactController.getContacts';
import FIRSTNAME_FIELD from '@salesforce/schema/Contact.FirstName';
import LASTNAME_FIELD from '@salesforce/schema/Contact.LastName';
import EMAIL_FIELD from '@salesforce/schema/Contact.Email';
const COLUMNS = [
    { label: 'FirstName', fieldName: FIRSTNAME_FIELD.fieldApiName, type: 'text' },
    { label: 'LastName', fieldName: LASTNAME_FIELD.fieldApiName, type: 'text' },
    { label: 'Email', fieldName: EMAIL_FIELD.fieldApiName, type: 'email' }

export default class ContactList extends LightningElement {

    columns = COLUMNS;


    get errors() {
        return (this.contacts.error) ?
        reduceErrors(this.contacts.error) : [];
public with sharing class ContactController {
    public static List<Contact> getContacts(){
        try {
            return [SELECT FirstName, LastName, Email FROM Contact];
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new AuraHandledException(e.getMessage());