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Anna Rudenko 9Anna Rudenko 9 

"MALFORMED_ID: Parent Account ID: id value of incorrect type: true."

When trying to use collection variable to update ParentID field ,getting the following error message:
 "MALFORMED_ID: Parent Account ID: id value of incorrect type: true."

My collection called Get Parent Account Details:
User-added imageMy Update Record element (it happens after the decision element, where collection variable has only 1 record, I have the screen element showing the value of collection variable, which corresponds to Account ID. I dont understand why flow is showing me error saying that ID is of incorrect type - obviously I am missing smth here :) ):

User-added image
here is the outcome of screen element I was mentioning earlier (ID seems to be fine for population into ParentId field..):

User-added image

Any hints are very appreciated!
AbhishekAbhishek (Salesforce Developers) 

 If you are receiving the Salesforce Error "ID Value of Incorrect Type" this means that an ID being sent to Salesforce is not the correct type that Salesforce is expecting. For example, some fields in Salesforce can only accept certain ID types.

For your resolution try this

"Go to the record type and from the address bar, you should see something like this - and copy the ID from there."

For your reference, you can check the below blog too,

I hope you find the above information is helpful. If it does, please mark as Best Answer to help others too.
