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Stephen Lee 44Stephen Lee 44 

How to document External Service with Lightning or Redocly in a Community


Is there a tool set or external component on the App Exchange that can basically convert an External Service (and it's actions) into something human readible that you can drop into a Community Page? That would render something so that end-users could see the External Service Actions and understand what's supported?

Secondary question is.. is there anything like a Redocly plugin that could be dropped into a Community Page to accomplish the same documentation goal?

AbhishekAbhishek (Salesforce Developers) 
Please feel to reach out to the accelerator team who can give you the idea of how you can implement according to your business requirement if you have the premier success plan.

Please find the details on how to request for an accelerator:

Otherwise, I would request you to reach out to your Account Executive If you wish to upgrade to Premier Support please contact your Account Executive.