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Bablu Kumar PanditBablu Kumar Pandit 

In Report how to Calculate average of specific field(call duration) per month for past 12 month

can any one help me how to find average value of any filed per month for past 12 month in reort
AnudeepAnudeep (Salesforce Developers) 
HI Bablu, 
  1. From the Reports tab, edit a report. Click  | Edit.
  2. Find the numeric column you'd like to summarize. Click  | Summarize, and then choose how you'd like to evaluate the data: Sum, Average, Max, Min (1).
  3. A check mark appears next to already-applied summaries. Click You can apply all four summaries at once.

See Summarize Report Data in Lightning Experience to learn more

If you find this information helpful, please mark this answer as Best. It may help others in the community. Thank You

Bablu Kumar PanditBablu Kumar Pandit
Hii Anudeep  ,

i know that way but how do i calculate for  per month(i add filter for past 12 month) but not able to calculate per month average
Bablu Kumar PanditBablu Kumar Pandit
My Question is how do I calculate average calls in a Tasks & Events report per month for last 12 month
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