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Biswojeet Ray 11
Lightning record creation Issue
Hi Team,
I have created a Button on a Lightning page.
In that button added standard logic to create a budget Item object record.
this[NavigationMixin.Navigate]({ type: "standard__objectPage", attributes: { objectApiName: "Budget_Item__c", actionName: "new" }, state: { nooverride: '1', defaultFieldValues: fieldValues } });
Its creating records perfectly. But the Issue is after the creation of record, It's navigating to a newly created record's detail page.
I want to stay on the previous page only(where I have added the button), No need to navigate the newly created record's detail page.
Is there any workaround? Urgently needed.
Thanks in advance,
Ho @david
Is there anything we can do in this piece of code means in LWC code?