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Rajendra Prasad 44Rajendra Prasad 44 

can anyone help me with this test class

public class TestDataFactory {
    public static testMethod void testdata_for_manipulateDataForInviteBlast(){
        insert new Pardot_Settings__c(Name = 'Pardot User Key', User_Key__c ='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx');
        Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new MockHttpResponseGeneratorpost());
        Account a = new Account();
        a.Name = 'Test Account';
        Insert a;
        Contact con1 = new Contact();
        con1.LastName= 'singh';
        con1.AccountId = a.Id;        
        insert con1; 
        Analyst__c an= new Analyst__c();
        an.Order_of_Precedence__c = '1';
        insert an;
        Custom_Event__c cEvent = new Custom_Event__c(); = 'testingEvent';
        cEvent.CAT_external_event_name__c = 'testing External Event';
        cEvent.Type_of_Meeting__c = 'Analyst Marketing';
        cEvent.Start_Date__c = DateTime.Now().AddDays(10);
        cEvent.End_Date__c = DateTime.Now().AddDays(13);
        insert cEvent;
        Campaign com = new Campaign();;
        com.Related_Event__c = cEvent.Id;
        insert com;
        CampaignMember cm = new CampaignMember();;;
        cm.CampaignId =;
        insert cm;
         EmailMessage incomingMail = new EmailMessage();
         incomingMail.toAddress = '';
         incomingMail.subject = ' Test Message';
         incomingMail.TextBody= 'This is the message body ';
         incomingMail.RelatedToId =;
         insert incomingMail ;       

here I'm not testing integration directly, but it was like whenever contact is created it happens, so its making callout indirectly that's why I have to use more class. 

here when I run the test I'm getting error:

System.CalloutException: You have uncommitted work pending. Please commit or rollback before calling out

and when I remove emailmessage record insertion part its working. but I need that
m 10m 10
Hi Rajendhra could you please share apex class
Rajendra Prasad 44Rajendra Prasad 44
this is the test class from which i m calling above test class: 
private class ManipulateDataToSendEmailTest {
     private static testMethod void testing_manipulateDataForInviteBlast(){
        CampaignMember cm = [select id,name from CampaignMember limit 1];
        Custom_Event__c ce = [select id from Custom_Event__c limit 1]; 
        emailmessage em = [select id, ToAddress, Subject, htmlbody from emailmessage where order by createddate desc limit 1];
        GetEmailInfoWrapper getEmailInfo = new GetEmailInfoWrapper(;
        ManipulateDataToSendEmail InviteBlast=new ManipulateDataToSendEmail();
            InviteBlast.manipulateDataForInviteBlast(getEmailInfo, em);

GetEmailInfoWrapper :
 * @File Name          : GetEmailInfoWrapper.cls
 * @Description        : Called from SendEmailEventSchedulable class 
 * @Author             : Accelerize360
public without sharing class GetEmailInfoWrapper {
    Public string assistant {get;set;} 
    Public string analystEmail {get;set;}
    Public Map<string,CampaignMember> campaignMemberMap {get;set;}
    Public Map < string, Custom_Event__c > eventDetailsMap {get;set;}
    Public Map<string,string> contactIdAndEmailMap {get;set;}
    Public Map<string,string> contactListMemberMap {get;set;} // map of email, id
    Public Map<string,string> contactListMemberAssistantMap {get;set;} // map of email, id
    Public Map<string,string> contactListMemberEmailAnalystMap {get;set;} // map of contact list member email, capaign id i.e. contact list id
    Public Id campaignId {get;set;} // map of contact list member email, capaign id i.e. contact list id
     * @Description class constructor 
     * @param event id
    public GetEmailInfoWrapper(Id eventId) {
        if (eventId != null) {
     * get contact list members based on event id
     * @param eventId
     * @return contact list members
    private void getcontactListMembersByEvent(Id eventId) {
        Map < string, campaignmember > campaignMemberMapx = new Map < string, campaignmember > ();
        Map < string, Custom_Event__c > eventDetailsMapx = new Map < string, Custom_Event__c > ();
        Map < string, string > contactIdMapx = new Map < string, string > ();
        Map < string, string > contactMemberMap = new Map < string, string > ();
        Map < string, string > campaignAnalystMap = new Map < string, string > ();
        // get contact list member in sub query 
        LIST < Custom_Event__c > contactListMembers = [SELECT Id,name,CAT_external_event_name__c,Type_of_Meeting__c,End_Date_Local_Time_Formula__c,Start_Date_Local_Time_Formula__c,(select Id, Email, contactid, Name, Contact_target_send_email__c,CampaignId, status,Related_Interaction_Record__c from Contact_List_Members__r 
                                                        where Status = 'Subscribed' or Status ='Invited') from Custom_Event__c where id =: eventId ];

        if (contactListMembers.size() > 0) {
            for (Custom_Event__c c: contactListMembers) { 
                //Loop through child records
                for (campaignmember con: c.Contact_List_Members__r) {
                    if ( != null) {
                        campaignMemberMapx.put(, con);
                        eventDetailsMapx.put(, c);
                        contactIdMapx.put(con.ContactId, con.Contact_target_send_email__c);
                        campaignAnalystMap.put(con.Contact_target_send_email__c, con.campaignId);
                } // end inner loop 
            this.campaignMemberMap = campaignMemberMapx;
            this.eventDetailsMap = eventDetailsMapx;
            this.contactListMemberMap = contactMemberMap;
            this.contactIdAndEmailMap = contactIdMapx;
            this.contactListMemberEmailAnalystMap = campaignAnalystMap;
     * get getcontactListMembersAssistant
    private void getcontactListMembersAssistant() {

        Map < string, string > contactIdMap = new Map < string, string > ();
        List < Contact > contactAssistant = [SELECT id, Assistant__r.Email from contact where id in: this.contactIdAndEmailMap.keySet()];
        for (Contact caEmail: contactAssistant) {
            if (this.contactIdAndEmailMap.containsKey( && caEmail.Assistant__r.Email != null) {

                contactIdMap.put(this.contactIdAndEmailMap.get(, caEmail.Assistant__r.Email);

        this.contactListMemberAssistantMap = contactIdMap;

     * get analyst from Campaign(contact list) object field = Analyst__c lookup to employee obj = Analyst__c
     * @param Map < string, string >
    private void getcontactListAnalyst(Map < string, string > campaignAnalystMap) {

        List < Campaign > getAnalyst = [select Analyst__r.Email__c from Campaign where id in: campaignAnalystMap.values()];
        if (getAnalyst.size() > 0) {
            this.analystEmail = getAnalyst[0].Analyst__r.Email__c;


ManipulateDataToSendEmail :
private class ManipulateDataToSendEmailTest {
     private static testMethod void testing_manipulateDataForInviteBlast(){
        CampaignMember cm = [select id,name from CampaignMember limit 1];
        Custom_Event__c ce = [select id from Custom_Event__c limit 1]; 
        emailmessage em = [select id, ToAddress, Subject, htmlbody from emailmessage where order by createddate desc limit 1];
        GetEmailInfoWrapper getEmailInfo = new GetEmailInfoWrapper(;
        ManipulateDataToSendEmail InviteBlast=new ManipulateDataToSendEmail();
            InviteBlast.manipulateDataForInviteBlast(getEmailInfo, em);
        } catch (exception e) {

Ashaar Gautam 15Ashaar Gautam 15

Move this Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new MockHttpResponseGeneratorpost()); to after the last DML statement and then run it. It should work as you never call a callout before DML you neeed to call out after the last DML.

Let me know the results please.
