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Kevin Yao 4Kevin Yao 4 

SOAP API Login to restricted salesforce Instance

I'm currently working with the SOAP api to login to a separate salesforce instance. For some orgs though, it seems there's IP restrictions and it seems that it's using a different IP address (I'm assuming the source org's IP address). I have the IP address for my local network whitelisted, but it seems that the SOAP request isn't using it (instead it seems to be using my instance IP address). Is there any way I can make the SOAP request using my local network's IP address so it uses my IP address (which is white listed)?
SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
HI Kevin,
I see you also posted on

Can you share more details on how you are making the SOAP API call? Are you running custom code or using a third-party tool? 
