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Jonathan Wolff 7Jonathan Wolff 7 

Change Apex Class of component

Hello, I am using a pagination component for accounts. I would like to change the apex class of the component to include different data. The problem is, that I am using a wrapper as new apex class and get errors when I implement it.
The new apex class which data i want to display is:
public Class ApexActivityWrapper {   
    public static List<eEventTTask> ApexActivityWrapper (Id recordId) {  
        system.debug('recordId =' + recordId);
        String sObjName = recordId.getSObjectType().getDescribe().getName(); /* in der Variablen sObjName wird der Name des aktuellen Objekts gespeichert */
        system.debug('Objekt --> ' +sObjName);       
        String FROMQuery = 'FROM ';
        List<eEventTTask> taskEventList = new List<eEventTTask>();  
        //########################### CONTACT START ################################
        // Komponente auf Kontakt eingefügt, dann wird das folgende ausgeführt
        if(sObjName == 'Contact') {
            List<Contact> recordName = [SELECT Name FROM Contact WHERE Id = :recordId LIMIT 1];
            system.debug('ContactName -->' + recordName + ' ' +  recordName[0].name);
            // Abfrage von Terminen/Events
            for (Event e: [SELECT Id, Subject, ActivityDate, ActivityDatetime, What.Name, What.Id, Owner.Name, Who.Name, Who.Id FROM Event WHERE Id IN (SELECT EventId FROM EventRelation WHERE RelationId = :recordId)]) {
                taskEventList.add(new eEventTTask(e.Subject, e.ActivityDatetime, 'E', e.What.Name, e.Owner.Name, e.Id, e.What.Id, 'standard:event', '', e.Who.Name, e.Who.Id, e.Subject));
            // Abfrage von Aufgaben/Tasks bis 31.07.2022 - danach wurde das neue Addin akiviert und somit werden leider für jede email die abgelegt wird eine EmailMessage und Task angelegt
            for (Task t: [SELECT Id, Subject, CreatedDate, ActivityDate, What.Name, What.Id, Owner.Name, Status, Who.Name, Who.Id, Description FROM Task WHERE (Activitydate <= 2022-08-27 OR Activitydate = null) AND Id IN (SELECT TaskId FROM TaskRelation WHERE RelationId = :recordId)]) {
                //taskEventList.add(new eEventTTask(t.Subject, datetime.newInstance(t.ActivityDate.year(), t.ActivityDate.month(),, 0, 0, 0), 'T', t.What.Name, t.Owner.Name, t.Id, t.What.Id, 'standard:task', t.Status, t.Who.Name, t.Who.Id));
                taskEventList.add(new eEventTTask(t.Subject, t.CreatedDate, 'T', t.What.Name, t.Owner.Name, t.Id, t.What.Id, 'standard:task', t.Status, t.Who.Name, t.Who.Id, t.Description));
            // Abfrage von Aufgaben/Tasks ab 01.08.2022 - danach wurde das neue Addin akiviert und somit werden leider für jede email die abgelegt wird eine EmailMessage und Task angelegt
            for (Task t: [SELECT Id, Subject, CreatedDate, ActivityDate, What.Name, What.Id, Owner.Name, Status, Who.Name, Who.Id, Description FROM Task WHERE Activitydate > 2022-08-27 AND TaskSubType != 'Email' AND Id IN (SELECT TaskId FROM TaskRelation WHERE RelationId = :recordId)]) {
                //taskEventList.add(new eEventTTask(t.Subject, datetime.newInstance(t.ActivityDate.year(), t.ActivityDate.month(),, 0, 0, 0), 'T', t.What.Name, t.Owner.Name, t.Id, t.What.Id, 'standard:task', t.Status, t.Who.Name, t.Who.Id));
                taskEventList.add(new eEventTTask(t.Subject, t.CreatedDate, 'T', t.What.Name, t.Owner.Name, t.Id, t.What.Id, 'standard:task', t.Status, t.Who.Name, t.Who.Id, t.Description));
            // Abfrage von Email-Messages
            for (EmailMessage m: [SELECT Id, Subject, MessageDate, RelatedToId, RelatedTo.Name, CreatedBy.Name, HtmlBody FROM EmailMessage WHERE Id IN (SELECT EmailMessageId from EmailMessageRelation WHERE RelationId = :recordId)]) {
                taskEventList.add(new eEventTTask(m.Subject, datetime.newInstance(m.MessageDate.year(), m.MessageDate.month(),, m.MessageDate.hour(), m.MessageDate.minute(), 0), 'M',  m.RelatedTo.Name, m.CreatedBy.Name, m.Id, m.RelatedToId, 'standard:email', '', recordName[0].name, recordId, m.HtmlBody));
            // Abfrage von Notizen/Notes
            for(Note n: [SELECT Id, Title, CreatedDate, Createdby.Name, Owner.Name, Parent.Name, ParentId FROM Note WHERE ParentId = :recordId]) {
                //taskEventList.add(new eEventTTask(n.Title, datetime.newInstance(n.CreatedDate.year(), n.CreatedDate.month(),, 0, 0, 0), 'N', n.Parent.Name, n.Owner.Name, n.Id, n.ParentId, 'standard:note', '', recordName[0].name, recordId));
                taskEventList.add(new eEventTTask(n.Title, n.CreatedDate, 'N', n.Parent.Name, n.Owner.Name, n.Id, n.ParentId, 'standard:note', '', recordName[0].name, recordId, n.title));
            // Abrage von Anlagen/Dateien (alte Version - wird von Salesforce irgendwann abgestellt)
            for(Attachment a: [SELECT Id, Name, CreatedDate, Createdby.Name, Owner.Name, Parent.Name, ParentId FROM Attachment WHERE ParentId = :recordId]) {
                //taskEventList.add(new eEventTTask(a.Name, datetime.newInstance(a.CreatedDate.year(), a.CreatedDate.month(),, 0, 0, 0), 'A', a.Parent.Name, a.Owner.Name, a.Id, a.ParentId, 'standard:note', '', recordName[0].name, recordId));
                taskEventList.add(new eEventTTask(a.Name, a.CreatedDate, 'A', a.Parent.Name, a.Owner.Name, a.Id, a.ParentId, 'standard:note', '', recordName[0].name, recordId,;
            // Abfrage von Notizen (neue Version)
            for(ContentDocumentLink c: [SELECT Id, ContentDocumentId, ContentDocument.Title, ContentDocument.createdDate, ContentDocument.Createdby.Name, ContentDocument.FileExtension, LinkedEntity.Id, LinkedEntity.Name FROM ContentDocumentLink WHERE LinkedEntityId = :recordId]) {
                //taskEventList.add(new eEventTTask(c.ContentDocument.Title, datetime.newInstance(c.ContentDocument.CreatedDate.year(), c.ContentDocument.CreatedDate.month(),, 0 , 0, 0), 'C', c.LinkedEntity.Name, c.ContentDocument.CreatedBy.Name, c.ContentDocumentId, c.LinkedEntity.Id, 'utility:file', '', recordName[0].name, recordId));
                taskEventList.add(new eEventTTask(c.ContentDocument.Title, c.ContentDocument.CreatedDate, 'C', c.LinkedEntity.Name, c.ContentDocument.CreatedBy.Name, c.ContentDocumentId, c.LinkedEntity.Id, 'standard:file', '', recordName[0].name, recordId, c.ContentDocument.Title));
            // Abfrage von Wiedervorlagen
     //       for(Wiedervorlage__c w: [SELECT Id, Beschreibung__c, Erinnerungstermin__c, Wiedervorlage_f_r__c, Wiedervorlage_f_r_Name__c, Wiedervorlage_f_r_Id__c, Owner.Name FROM Wiedervorlage__c WHERE Wiedervorlage_f_r_Id__c = :recordId]) {
     //           taskEventList.add(new eEventTTask(w.Beschreibung__c, w.Erinnerungstermin__c, 'W', w.Wiedervorlage_f_r_Name__c, w.Owner.Name, w.Id, '', 'standard:today', '', recordName[0].name, w.Wiedervorlage_f_r_Id__c, w.Beschreibung__c));
     //       }
        //########################### CONTACT ENDE #################################
        //########################### ACCOUNT START ################################
        // Komponente auf Kontakt eingefügt, dann wird das folgende ausgeführt
        if(sObjName == 'Account') {
            // Abfrage von Aufgaben/Tasks bis 31.07.2022 - danach wurde das neue Addin akiviert und somit werden leider für jede email die abgelegt wird eine EmailMessage und Task angelegt
            //for (Task t: [SELECT Id, Subject, ActivityDate, What.Name, What.Id, Owner.Name, Status, Who.Name, Who.Id FROM Task WHERE Activitydate <= 2022-08-26 AND Id IN (SELECT TaskId FROM TaskRelation WHERE RelationId = :recordId)]) {
            for (Task t: [SELECT Id, Subject, ActivityDate, CreatedDate, Createdby.Name, Owner.Name, RecordType.Name, Status, Who.Name, Who.Id, What.Name, Description from Task WHERE AccountId = :recordId AND WhoId = '' AND (Activitydate <= 2022-08-27 OR Activitydate = null)]) {
                taskEventList.add(new eEventTTask(t.Subject, t.CreatedDate, 'T', t.What.Name, t.Owner.Name, t.Id, t.What.Id, 'standard:task', t.Status, t.Who.Name, t.Who.Id, t.Description));
            // Abfrage von Aufgaben/Tasks ab 01.08.2022 - danach wurde das neue Addin akiviert und somit werden leider für jede email die abgelegt wird eine EmailMessage und Task angelegt
            //for (Task t: [SELECT Id, Subject, ActivityDate, What.Name, What.Id, Owner.Name, Status, Who.Name, Who.Id FROM Task WHERE Activitydate > 2022-08-26 AND TaskSubType != 'Email' AND Id IN (SELECT TaskId FROM TaskRelation WHERE RelationId = :recordId)]) {
            for (Task t: [SELECT Id, Subject, ActivityDate, CreatedDate, Createdby.Name, Owner.Name, RecordType.Name, Status, Who.Name, Who.Id, What.Name, Description from Task WHERE AccountId = :recordId AND WhoId = '' AND Activitydate > 2022-08-27 AND TaskSubType != 'Email']) {
                taskEventList.add(new eEventTTask(t.Subject, t.CreatedDate, 'T', t.What.Name, t.Owner.Name, t.Id, t.What.Id, 'standard:task', t.Status, t.Who.Name, t.Who.Id, t.Description));
            // Abfrage von Aufgaben/Tasks - in dieser Abfrage werden alle Aufgaben von AG-Kontakten selektiert die diesem Unternehmen zugeordnet sind
            Map<Id, TaskWhoRelation> relatedTasksAcc = new Map<Id, TaskWhoRelation>([SELECT taskId FROM TaskWhoRelation WHERE AccountId = :recordId AND RelationId IN (SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE RecordTypeId = '012b0000000UNQxAAO')]); 
            Set<Id> taskidsset = new Set<Id>();
            for(taskwhorelation relation:relatedTasksAcc.values()) {
            system.debug('size relatedtasksAcc ' +relatedtasksAcc.size()); 
            system.debug('size taskidsset ' +taskidsset.size()); 
            List<Task> listtask1 = [SELECT Id, Subject, CreatedDate, ActivityDate, What.Name, What.Id, Owner.Name, Status, Who.Name, Who.Id, Description FROM Task WHERE (Activitydate <= 2022-08-27 OR Activitydate = null) AND Id IN :taskidsset];
            system.debug('size listtask1 ' +listtask1.size());              
            for(Task t : listtask1) { 
                taskEventList.add(new eEventTTask(t.Subject, t.CreatedDate, 'T', t.What.Name, t.Owner.Name, t.Id, t.What.Id, 'standard:task', t.Status, t.Who.Name, t.Who.Id, t.Description));
            List<Task> listtask2 = [SELECT Id, Subject, CreatedDate, ActivityDate, What.Name, What.Id, Owner.Name, Status, Who.Name, Who.Id, Description FROM Task WHERE Activitydate > 2022-08-27 AND TaskSubType != 'Email' AND Id IN :taskidsset];
            system.debug('size listtask2 ' +listtask2.size());              
            for(Task t : listtask2) {        
                taskEventList.add(new eEventTTask(t.Subject, t.CreatedDate, 'T', t.What.Name, t.Owner.Name, t.Id, t.What.Id, 'standard:task', t.Status, t.Who.Name, t.Who.Id, t.Description));            
            // Abfrage von Termine/Events - in dieser Abfrage werden alle Termine von AG-Kontakten selektiert die diesem Unternehmen zugeordnet sind
            Map<Id, EventWhoRelation> relatedEventAcc = new Map<Id, EventWhoRelation>([SELECT EventId FROM EventWhoRelation WHERE AccountId = :recordId and RelationId IN (SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE RecordTypeId = '012b0000000UNQxAAO')]); 
            Set<Id> eventidsset = new Set<Id>();
            for(eventwhorelation relation:relatedEventAcc.values()){
            system.debug('size relatedeventAcc ' +relatedeventAcc.size()); 
            system.debug('size eventidsset ' +eventidsset.size()); 
            List<Event> listevent = [SELECT Id, Subject, ActivityDate, ActivityDatetime, What.Name, What.Id, Owner.Name, Who.Name, Who.Id FROM Event WHERE Id IN :eventidsset];
            system.debug('size listevent ' +listevent.size());              
            for(event e : listevent) { 
                taskEventList.add(new eEventTTask(e.Subject, e.ActivityDatetime, 'E', e.What.Name, e.Owner.Name, e.Id, e.What.Id, 'standard:event', '', e.Who.Name, e.Who.Id, e.Subject));
            // Abfrage von Notizen (neue Version)
            for(ContentDocumentLink c: [SELECT Id, ContentDocumentId, ContentDocument.Title, ContentDocument.createdDate, ContentDocument.Createdby.Name, ContentDocument.FileExtension, LinkedEntity.Id, LinkedEntity.Name FROM ContentDocumentLink WHERE LinkedEntityId = :recordId]) {
                taskEventList.add(new eEventTTask(c.ContentDocument.Title, c.ContentDocument.CreatedDate, 'C', c.LinkedEntity.Name, c.ContentDocument.CreatedBy.Name, c.ContentDocumentId, c.LinkedEntity.Id, 'standard:file', '', '', '', c.ContentDocument.Title));
            for(ContentDocumentLink c: [SELECT Id, ContentDocumentId, ContentDocument.Title, ContentDocument.createdDate, ContentDocument.Createdby.Name, ContentDocument.FileExtension, LinkedEntity.Id, LinkedEntity.Name FROM ContentDocumentLink WHERE LinkedEntityId IN (SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE AccountId =: recordId)]) {
                taskEventList.add(new eEventTTask(c.ContentDocument.Title, c.ContentDocument.CreatedDate, 'C', c.LinkedEntity.Name, c.ContentDocument.CreatedBy.Name, c.ContentDocumentId, c.LinkedEntity.Id, 'standard:file', '', '', '', c.ContentDocument.Title));
            // Abrage von Anlagen/Dateien (alte Version - wird von Salesforce irgendwann abgestellt)
            for(Attachment a: [SELECT Id, Name, CreatedDate, Createdby.Name, Owner.Name, Parent.Name, ParentId FROM Attachment WHERE ParentId = :recordId]) {
                taskEventList.add(new eEventTTask(a.Name, a.CreatedDate, 'A', a.Parent.Name, a.Owner.Name, a.Id, a.ParentId, 'standard:note', '', '', '', a.Name));
            // Abrage von Anlagen/Dateien (alte Version - wird von Salesforce irgendwann abgestellt)
            for(Attachment a: [SELECT Id, Name, CreatedDate, Createdby.Name, Owner.Name, Parent.Name, ParentId FROM Attachment WHERE ParentId IN (SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE AccountId =: recordId and RecordTypeId = '012b0000000UNQxAAO')]) {
                taskEventList.add(new eEventTTask(a.Name, a.CreatedDate, 'A', a.Parent.Name, a.Owner.Name, a.Id, a.ParentId, 'standard:note', '', '', '', a.Name));
            // Abfrage von Notizen/Notes
            for(Note n: [SELECT Id, Title, CreatedDate, Createdby.Name, Owner.Name, Parent.Name, ParentId FROM Note WHERE ParentId = :recordId]) {
                taskEventList.add(new eEventTTask(n.Title, n.CreatedDate, 'N', n.Parent.Name, n.Owner.Name, n.Id, n.ParentId, 'standard:note', '', '', '', n.Title));
            // Abfrage von Notizen/Notes
            for(Note n: [SELECT Id, Title, CreatedDate, Createdby.Name, Owner.Name, Parent.Name, ParentId FROM Note WHERE ParentId IN (SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE AccountId = :recordId AND RecordTypeId = '012b0000000UNQxAAO')]) {
                taskEventList.add(new eEventTTask(n.Title, n.CreatedDate, 'N', n.Parent.Name, n.Owner.Name, n.Id, n.ParentId, 'standard:note', '', '', '', n.Title));
            // Abfrage von Email-Messages
            for (EmailMessage m: [SELECT Id, Subject, MessageDate, RelatedToId, RelatedTo.Name, CreatedBy.Name, HtmlBody FROM EmailMessage WHERE RelatedToId = :recordId]) {
                taskEventList.add(new eEventTTask(m.Subject, m.MessageDate, 'M',  m.RelatedTo.Name, m.CreatedBy.Name, m.Id, m.RelatedToId, 'standard:email', '', '', '', m.HtmlBody));
            // Abfrage von Email-Messages
            for (EmailMessageRelation m: [SELECT Id, EmailMessageId, EmailMessage.Subject, EmailMessage.MessageDate, EmailMessage.RelatedToId, EmailMessage.RelatedTo.Name, EmailMessage.CreatedBy.Name, Relation.Name, EmailMessage.HtmlBody FROM EmailMessageRelation WHERE RelationId IN (SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE AccountId = :recordId AND RecordTypeId = '012b0000000UNQxAAO')]) {
                taskEventList.add(new eEventTTask(m.EmailMessage.Subject, m.EmailMessage.MessageDate, 'M',  m.EmailMessage.RelatedTo.Name, m.EmailMessage.CreatedBy.Name, m.EmailMessage.Id, m.EmailMessage.RelatedToId, 'standard:email', '', m.Relation.Name, m.RelationId, m.EmailMessage.HtmlBody));
                system.debug('Name --> ' + m.Relation.Name);
            // Abfrage von Wiedervorlagen
     //       for(Wiedervorlage__c w: [SELECT Id, Beschreibung__c, Erinnerungstermin__c, Wiedervorlage_f_r__c, Wiedervorlage_f_r_Name__c, Wiedervorlage_f_r_Id__c, Owner.Name FROM Wiedervorlage__c WHERE Wiedervorlage_f_r_Id__c = :recordId]) {
      //          taskEventList.add(new eEventTTask(w.Beschreibung__c, w.Erinnerungstermin__c, 'W', w.Wiedervorlage_f_r_Name__c, w.Owner.Name, w.Id, '', 'standard:today', '', w.Wiedervorlage_f_r_Name__c, w.Wiedervorlage_f_r_Id__c, w.Beschreibung__c));
      //      }               
        //########################### ACCOUNT ENDE ##################################
        system.debug('taskEventList' + taskEventList);
        return taskEventList;
    public class eEventTTask {
        public String ThemaOut {get; set;}
        public Datetime DatumOut {get; set;}
        public String ArtOut {get; set;}
        public String BezugOut {get; set;}
        public String ZugewiesenOut {get; set;}
        public String ThemaIdOut {get; set;}
        public String BezugIdOut {get; set;}
        public String ArtPicOut {get; set;}
        public String StatusPicOut {get; set;}     
        public String KontaktOut {get; set;}
        public String KontaktIdOut {get; set;}
        public String TooltipOut {get; set;}          
        public eEventTTask(String ThemaIn, Datetime DatumIn, String ArtIn, String BezugIn, String ZugewiesenIn, String ThemaIdIn, String BezugIdIn, String ArtPicIn, String StatusIn, String KontaktIn, String KontaktIdIn, String TooltipIn) {
            ThemaOut 		= ThemaIn;
            DatumOut	 	= DatumIn;
            ArtOut			= ArtIn;
            BezugOut		= BezugIn;
            ZugewiesenOut	= ZugewiesenIn;
            IF(ThemaIdIn != Null) { ThemaIdOut = '/' + ThemaIdIn; }
            IF(BezugIdIn != Null) { BezugIdOut = '/' + BezugIdIn; }
            ArtPicOut		= ArtPicIn;
            IF(ArtIn == 'm' || 
               ArtIn == 'n' || 
               ArtIn == 'c' || 
               ArtIn == 'a' || 
               (ArtIn == 'e' && DatumIn <= || 
               (ArtIn == 't' && (StatusIn == 'Completed' || StatusIn == 'Fertiggestellt'))) { StatusPicOut = 'custom:custom6'; }  //grün
            ELSE IF ((ArtIn == 'e' && DatumIn > || 
                   //  (ArtIn == 'w' && DatumIn > ||
                     (ArtIn == 't' && DatumIn > && StatusIn != 'Fertiggestellt' && StatusIn != 'Completed')) { StatusPicOut = 'custom:custom4'; } // gelb
            ELSE IF ((ArtIn == 't' && DatumIn <= && (StatusIn != 'Fertiggestellt' || StatusIn != 'Completed')) ||
                     (ArtIn == 'w' && DatumIn <= { StatusPicOut = 'custom:custom49'; } // rot            
            KontaktOut		= KontaktIn; 
            IF(KontaktIdIn != '' && KontaktIdIn != Null) { KontaktIdOut	= '/' + KontaktIdIn; }
            TooltipOut		= TooltipIn;

The code of my component how it is rn is the following:
<aura:component controller="AccountSearchController" implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global">

        <aura:attribute name="accountList" type="Account[]" />
        <aura:attribute name="PaginationList" type="Account[]"/>
        <aura:attribute name="perPageSize" type="Integer" default="5"/>
        <aura:attribute name="totalRecords" type="Integer"/>
        <aura:attribute name="startValue" type="Integer" />
        <aura:attribute name="endValue" type="Integer"/>
     <aura:attribute name="columns" type="List"/>
     <aura:attribute name="sortBy" type="String"/>
    <aura:attribute name="sortDirection" type="String"/>
    <aura:attribute name="isLastPage" type="Boolean"/>

     <aura:handler name="init" action="{!c.doInit}" value="{!this}"/>

    <!-- Ergebnisse + Pagination-->
    <div class="slds-grid slds-grid_vertical">
                    <lightning:datatable data="{!v.PaginationList}" 
          <lightning:button onclick="{!c.previous}" disabled="{!v.startValue == 0}" label="Previous" iconName='utility:back'/>
          <lightning:button onclick="{!}" disabled="{!v.isLastPage}"  label="Next" iconName='utility:forward'/>
    doInit : function(component, event, helper) { 
        var action = component.get('c.searchAccounts');
        action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
            var state = response.getState();
            component.set('v.accountList', response.getReturnValue());
            //total number of accounts recieved-----------------------------------------
            var lengthVar = component.get("v.accountList").length;
            //number of records in each page---------------------------------------------
            var perPage = component.get("v.perPageSize");
            var values=[];
            //If total number of records are more than 5 or equals 5-----------------------
            if(lengthVar >= perPage){
                for(var i=0;i<perPage;i++){
            else{//If total number of records are lesser than 5--------------------------
                for(var i=0;i<lengthVar;i++){
            //if there are only 5 records or lesser than that in total-------------------
            if(lengthVar <= (component.get("v.startValue")+perPage)){
                      [{label: 'Name', fieldName: 'Name', type: 'text'}
    previous : function(component, event, helper){
        var sObjectList = component.get("v.accountList");
        var startValue=component.get("v.startValue");
        var endValue=component.get("v.endValue");
        var perPage = component.get("v.perPageSize");
        var totalRecords = component.get("v.totalRecords");
        var values=[];
        for(var i=startValue-perPage;i<startValue;i++){
        console.log('start value////'+component.get("v.startValue"));
        console.log('end value////'+component.get("v.endValue"));
    next : function(component, event, helper){
        var sObjectList = component.get("v.accountList");
        var startValue=component.get("v.startValue");
        var endValue=component.get("v.endValue");
        var perPage = component.get("v.perPageSize");
        var totalRecords = component.get("v.totalRecords");
        var values=[];
        //for eg-------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // this is page 2 and there are 10 records
        // endValue is 4
        //if total no. of records == 4+5+1 (i.e. 10)
        //Or if total no. of records > 10, then evaluate this part----------------------
        if(totalRecords >= endValue+perPage+1){
            for(var i=endValue+1;i<endValue+perPage+1;i++){
            if(totalRecords == endValue+perPage+1){//if total records == 4+5+1-----------
        else{//if total number of records are lesser than 4+5+1(10) i.e. 8
            for(var i=endValue+1;i<totalRecords;i++){
        console.log('start value////'+component.get("v.startValue"));
        console.log('end value////'+component.get("v.endValue"));
ublic class AccountSearchController {
public static List <Account> searchAccounts() {
return [SELECT Name,annualrevenue,accountnumber FROM Account LIMIT 8]; 
