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sweta kumari 55sweta kumari 55 

There is 1000 user and 1000 permission set , So we have to do each one permission set have to assign 1000 user .

Hi ,
There is 1000 user and 1000 permission set , So we have to do each one permission set have to assign 1000 user . 

Thanks in Advance

Karthik PadmakumarKarthik Padmakumar
Hi Sweta, 

Are you trying to assign multiple permission sets to multiple users at one go?
You can leverage the PermissionSetAssignment object. You can prepare a CSV file with the 2 columns - 'AssigneeId' and 'PermissionSetID'. AssigneeId column will have the UserId and the PermissionSetId will have the Id of the permission set. The file can be used to data load to the PermissionSetAssignment object in Salesforce using DataLoader. 

You can also have an anonymous block to insert records to the same object. 

You can read more about the object here -

AnkaiahAnkaiah (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Sweta,

Do you need to assign each permissionset to 1000 users or one permissionset to one user?
