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Robert Taylor 81Robert Taylor 81 

Why does ContentVersion fail to deserialize with VersionData?

Why does the following fail to deserialize?
Blob b = Blob.valueOf('test1');
ContentVersion cv = new ContentVersion(VersionData=b);
String cvString = JSON.serialize(cv);
System.debug('ContentVersion serialized: ' + cvString);
ContentVersion cvd = (ContentVersion)JSON.deserialize(cvString, ContentVersion.class);

15:15:38.4 (5368573)|USER_DEBUG|[248]|DEBUG|ContentVersion serialized: {"attributes":{"type":"ContentVersion"},"VersionData":{"asByteArray":"dGVzdDE=","inputStream":{},"length":5,"maxToKeep":6}}
15:15:38.4 (10114668)|FATAL_ERROR|System.JSONException: Cannot deserialize instance of base64 from START_OBJECT value { or request may be missing a required field at [line:1, column:40]


AnkaiahAnkaiah (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Robert,

Refer the below link have fix for the similar kind of issue.

If this helps, Please mark it as best answer.

denis banksdenis banks
Content Version Object is a child of Document Object in Salesforce that represents a specific version of a document in Salesforce CRM Content or Salesforce Files. This means that this object stores document information similar to an attachment.27-Aug-2021