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Andrew TabordaAndrew Taborda 

Reassign Event to Queue

When creating an event, we can assign the event to a queue or user. Once a queue or user is selected, we can only reassign it to a user. Is there any way to be able to reassign an event to a queue? 
AnkaiahAnkaiah (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Andrew,

When you need to reassign to queue? Is there any specific conditions?

Andrew TabordaAndrew Taborda
Thanks for the reply! No, there aren't any specific conditions. 

To give a little background, this is for calendars we've created. A group in our company is supposed to assign the events to specific people. When it's created it's assigned to a queue. It is then reassigned to a user and that's working just fine. The problem is we can't assign it back to a queue to notify the group that it needs to be reassigned to a new user. Hope that helps clear things up. Thanks again!
Leo WatkinsLeo Watkins

You cannot assign Tasks/Events to a queue. Only to a user. I assume you're looking to assign a task to a group where only one member of that group needs to take ownership of the task and complete it.