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Kunal Purohit 4
How to rewrite below handler?
Hello Folks,
Below Handler works on Round Robin manner in contact Object. Such that, when Contact record is created , it is assigned to another System Admin, based on Round Robin Manner. It is for 2 users only. What changes should I made so that it could work for multiple users. Please Suggest.
public class RoundRobinContactHandler { public static void AssignUser(List<Contact> cn) { integer countContact = 0; String usr; List<Contact> cnList = new List<Contact> (); List<Contact> clist=[Select id, Name, Assigned_To__c from Contact where Assigned_To__r.isActive = TRUE]; countContact=clist.size(); integer RnRUserAssigned = Math.mod(countContact, 2) + 1; integer CSRindex=0; if(RnRUserAssigned==1) { usr=[Select id, name from User where Id = '0052w000002n0Pj' LIMIT 1].id; } else if (RnRUserAssigned==2) { usr=[Select id, name from User where Id = '0052w000009deaY' LIMIT 1].id; } if(cn.size()>0 && (usr!=null && usr!='')) { for(Contact con : cn) { con.Assigned_To__c= usr; } } } }
To rewrite the handler to work for multiple users, you will need to modify the logic that determines which user to assign the contact to. Here is one way you could rewrite the handler to support multiple users:
public class RoundRobinContactHandler {
// Replace this list with a list of the IDs of the users you want to assign contacts to
private static List<Id> userIds = new List<Id> {
// Add more user IDs here as needed
public static void AssignUser(List<Contact> cn) {
// Get a list of all active users
List<User> activeUsers = [SELECT Id FROM User WHERE IsActive = TRUE];
// Filter the list of active users to only include the users we want to assign contacts to
// If there are no users to assign contacts to, do nothing
if (activeUsers.isEmpty()) {
// Get a count of the number of contacts that have already been assigned to active users
integer countContacts = [SELECT COUNT() FROM Contact WHERE Assigned_To__r.IsActive = TRUE];
// Calculate the index of the user to assign the next contact to, using a round-robin approach
integer userIndex = Math.mod(countContacts, activeUsers.size());
// Assign the contacts to the appropriate user
for (Contact con : cn) {
con.Assigned_To__c = activeUsers[userIndex].Id;
// Increment the user index, wrapping around to the beginning if necessary
userIndex = (userIndex + 1) % activeUsers.size();
Hope this helps
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