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Display data in table
Hi, need your help to check on this code.
This code does not give me the expected result. By right object should display all record name and submitted y should display user name. But both field should be can clock and redirect to its record
This code does not give me the expected result. By right object should display all record name and submitted y should display user name. But both field should be can clock and redirect to its record
Apex class public with sharing class toApproved { @AuraEnabled(cacheable=true) public static list<ProcessInstanceWorkitem> getItemApprove(){ return[select id, CreatedById,,ProcessInstance.TargetObjectId,CreatedDate, from ProcessInstanceWorkitem order by CreatedDate limit 100]; } }
lwc js import { LightningElement, wire } from 'lwc'; import toApproved from '@salesforce/apex/toApproved.getItemApprove'; const columns = [ {label: 'CreatedDate', fieldName: 'CreatedDate' }, {label: 'Object', fieldName:'ObjectId', type:'url', typeAttributes:{ label:{ fieldName:'ProcessInstance.TargetObject.Name'}, target:'_blank'} }, {label: 'Submitted By', fieldName:'CreatedById', type:'url', typeAttributes:{ label:{ fieldName:''}, target:'_blank'} } ]; export default class ToApproved extends LightningElement { availableItems; error; columns = columns; @wire (toApproved) wiredAccount({error,data}){ if(data){ let tempRecs = []; data.forEach((record)=>{ let tempRec = Object.assign({},record); tempRec.ObjectId = '/'+tempRec.ProcessInstance.TargetObjectId; tempRec.CreatedById = '/'+tempRec.CreatedById; tempRecs.push(tempRec); }); this.availableItems = tempRecs; this.error = undefined; }else if(error){ this.error = error; this.availableItems = undefined; } } }
HTML <template> <lightning-card title="Item to Approve" icon-name="custom:custom63"> <div class="slds-m-around_medium"> <template if:true={availableItems}> <lightning-datatable key-field="Id" data={availableItems} columns={columns} hide-checkbox-column="true" show-row-number-column="true"> </lightning-datatable> </template> <template if:true={error}> {error} </template> </div> </lightning-card> </template>