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Tilottama Deore 5Tilottama Deore 5 

I want to create a custom field on account object, if I click on value of that field, then record detail page of grandchild object should open

Acoount is a maste object of opportunity.
Opportunity is a master object of custom object Package
Sai PraveenSai Praveen (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Tilottama,

As it is parent to opporunity there is high chance that account can have multiple opportunites same way Opportunity can have multiple child Packages. Which package should account show and how should system identity it?

Can you provide the above information.
Tilottama Deore 5Tilottama Deore 5
package is an custom object in which opportunity records are cloned if stageName equal(Negotiation/Review or closed won or closed lost).
if record is created for package object then a custom field value on account should be populated so that it can navigate to record detail page of package.