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Kunal Purohit 4Kunal Purohit 4 

How to design a custom button.?

Hello Folks,

I want to design a custom button such that when user click on that custom button, a drop down should appear with list of emeil template, followed by editable Email Body and recipient name. Finally, clocking on Send button in dropdown, Email will be sent to recipient. How to perform this tak? Using Trigger or Lightning Flows? Plz Suggest.

denis banksdenis banks
Add the button label and name.
Click the Detail Page Button radio button.
Select Display in New Window as the Behavior and URL as the Content Source.
Add the custom button code as outlined by the button guide. For example, including a template from a custom button would entail adding the DST parameter
Use The Flow Email Composer ( This has the email template selection included as well as the editable email body and recipient name. It looks like this: 
User-added image
Jessica smartJessica smart
Next navigate to Setup > Customize > [Select Object in question, e.g., Opportunities ] > Buttons, Links, and Actions. Next, select the New Button or Link button at the top of the page. Add the button label and name. Click the Detail Page Button radio button