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Pass JavaScript variable to Apex Controller
Hi, anyone can help me how to call ApprovarId variable from JavaScript to Apex controller to replace value = :ActorId in query?
Thank You
export default class ToApproved extends LightningElement { ApprovarId= Id; availableItems; error; columns = columns; @wire (toApproved) wiredAccount({error,data}){ if(data){ let tempRecs = []; data.forEach((record)=>{ let tempRec = Object.assign({},record); //Name & target object id var objDes = JSON.stringify(tempRec.ProcessInstance.TargetObject); var finalObject = JSON.parse(objDes); tempRec.Object = '/'+tempRec.ProcessInstance.TargetObjectId; tempRec.recordName = finalObject.Name; //Name & created/submitted user id var createduser = JSON.stringify(tempRec.CreatedBy); var finalData = JSON.parse(createduser); tempRec.CreatedBy = '/'+tempRec.CreatedById; tempRec.createdByName = finalData.Name; //Name and approverid var approvar = JSON.stringify(tempRec.Actor); var finalApprovar = JSON.parse(approvar); tempRec.ApprovedBy = '/'; tempRec.ApprovarName = tempRec.Actor.Name; tempRecs.push(tempRec); }); this.availableItems = tempRecs; this.error = undefined; }else if(error){ this.error = error; this.availableItems = undefined; } } }
public with sharing class toApproved { @AuraEnabled(cacheable=true) public static list<ProcessInstanceWorkitem> getItemApprove(id ActorId){ return[select, CreatedDate,, ActorId, from ProcessInstanceWorkitem where ActorId = :ActorId order by CreatedDate limit 100]; } }
Thank You
In the Apex controller, add a parameter to the getItemApprove method like this:
public static list<ProcessInstanceWorkitem> getItemApprove(id ActorId, Id ApprovarId){
return[select, CreatedDate,, ActorId, from ProcessInstanceWorkitem
where ActorId = :ActorId
order by CreatedDate limit 100];
In the JavaScript file, you need to import the Apex class and call the method, passing the variable as an argument like this:
import toApproved from '@salesforce/apex/toApproved.getItemApprove';
export default class ToApproved extends LightningElement {
ApprovarId= Id;
columns = columns;
@wire (toApproved, {ActorId: this.ApprovarId})
let tempRecs = [];
let tempRec = Object.assign({},record);
//Name & target object id
var objDes = JSON.stringify(tempRec.ProcessInstance.TargetObject);
var finalObject = JSON.parse(objDes);
tempRec.Object = '/'+tempRec.ProcessInstance.TargetObjectId;
tempRec.recordName = finalObject.Name;
//Name & created/submitted user id
var createduser = JSON.stringify(tempRec.CreatedBy);
var finalData = JSON.parse(createduser);
tempRec.CreatedBy = '/'+tempRec.CreatedById;
tempRec.createdByName = finalData.Name;
//Name and approverid
var approvar = JSON.stringify(tempRec.Actor);
var finalApprovar = JSON.parse(approvar);
tempRec.ApprovedBy = '/';
tempRec.ApprovarName = tempRec.Actor.Name;
this.availableItems = tempRecs;
this.error = undefined;
}else if(error){
this.error = error;
this.availableItems = undefined;