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Marketing Marketing 27Marketing Marketing 27 

how to show success message after VF pages navigates to new record

I've just made a basic wizard composed of two Visualforce pages. On the second page, users create a new opportunity of a specific type. When they click Save, they are taken to the newly created opportunity.

I would like a basic success message to pop up on this page after they are taken to it.

how can I accomplish this? I will make a lightning web component if I have to but I would rather not :) 

below is my save method on my controller extension
public PageReference Save(){

            insert TD2nd;
            TD1st.X504_Related_Opportunity__c = TD2nd.Id;
            update TD1st;
            return new Pagereference('/' + TD2nd.Id);           
        catch(DmlException d){
            return NULL;

VinayVinay (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Marketing,

Check below syntax.
PageReference saveResult =; 
if(saveResult == null) 
return saveResult; // Errors will be displayed utomatically 
Check value from StandardController's save method

Please mark as Best Answer if above information was helpful.
