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Karin Kämpendahl 3Karin Kämpendahl 3 

Experience Cloud site question

I´m not sure how to explain my problem, but I´ll give it a go:
Today we have an open Experience Cloud Site for All our students, anyone can access it and search for information. They are not added as Users in our environment.

We still want that in a way, but we don´t want them to be able to copy/share the URL with people outside and we don´t want to add any Users.

So, my question is:
Does anybody know if you can add a login-page before or lock a part of the site or encrypt the URL so it can´t be copied or another solution that I cannot think of.
Kind Regards
SubratSubrat (Salesforce Developers) 
Hello Karin ,

If you have data you don’t want specific users to see, revisit their field-level security settings (, organization-wide sharing defaults (, and object permissions (

Also Refer this article for further understanding  -> (

Hope it helps .
Thank you.
Karin Kämpendahl 3Karin Kämpendahl 3
Hi and thanks
I guess I was a bit unclear - I know about Roles, Profiles, User etc, but in our case our Experience Cloud site is open to anyone, so we do not have Users today, anyone with the URL cango to the site and see the content. What we want is to put the site behind some sort of log in page but we still do not want add any Users, so open to everyone with the URL + password in a way.

We want all of our students to be able to see the page/site but not anyone that has the URL.

Hope that makes it more understandable?
:) Karin

But again thanks for your answers!
Srinivasa naralasettySrinivasa naralasetty
Hi Karin, 

You cannot restrict copy behavior of the users as they use their own system. If you dont want add new users, you can restrict by removing the signup button on ur site. just keep the Login only., which can be used by existing users only. 
i used a bit of designer mind :), I hope it helps.  :) :)

Srinivasa naralasettySrinivasa naralasetty
If u don't want anyone to see the information with the URL., make the Login Page as the landing page, make sure to display information after succesfull log-in only.  this will do the trick. :)
Karin Kämpendahl 3Karin Kämpendahl 3
Thanks, I will test this!
Ulysses ShawUlysses Shaw
What is the question? Office Football Pool (
Mohit BayMohit Bay
what about 123movie (
William Hall 10William Hall 10
Experience Cloud is a Salesforce digital experiences platform empowered with technologies, products, and solutions that allows you to create personalized, fully-fledged sites and portals connected to your CRM data in Salesforce.