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Pritika PatelPritika Patel 

How to match exported attachments to records they are linked to in Salesforce?

I have exported attachments from Salesforce using Data Export but now need to match these attachments to the original records they were linked to so I can rename the attachments with the name of the record. Is there a way to do this?
Leo WatkinsLeo Watkins

To match exported attachments to records they are linked to in Salesforce, you can use the "Parent ID" field in the attachment data to match with the corresponding record's ID. Use Salesforce's data export and import tools to achieve this.

AnkaiahAnkaiah (Salesforce Developers) 
HI Pritika,

Refer the below link.

Helen BarrowHelen Barrow
Yes, you can match the attachments to the original records by including the Salesforce ID of the record in the file name of the attachment. The Salesforce ID is a unique identifier for each record in Salesforce and can be obtained by exporting it along with other relevant information in the data export. Once you have the Salesforce ID, you can rename the attachments with the ID as a prefix or suffix to match the record it was linked to.