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Sanjay Ram MSanjay Ram M 

This Error occurs "You reached the limit for dashboards run as the logged-in user" when validating a Second Gen package . Any solutions please?

This Error occurs "You reached the limit for dashboards run as the logged-in user" when validating a Second Gen package . Any solutions please?


Though the org where we can install a package can be a enterprise or Perfomance and we have only 3 Dynamic dashboards in package 

SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
HI Sanjay,
You can try the below alternatives

1. You can create multiple packages to deploy the dynamic dashboards
2. You can use Org Shape which is supported from the Winter 22 using which you can define source org in scratch org def. file which can be your production org so it will copy the same limits and features.

More details on Org Shape:


If this information helps, please mark the answer as best. Thank you