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Renee KroonRenee Kroon 

checkbox formula

I need a checkbox to be checked automatically if the startdate_c is filled.
What would be the checkbox formula?
Best Answer chosen by Renee Kroon
Sai PraveenSai Praveen (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Renee,

Can you try the below formula.

Let me know if you face any issues.

If this solution helps, Please mark it as best answer.


All Answers

Sai PraveenSai Praveen (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Renee,

Can you try the below formula.

Let me know if you face any issues.

If this solution helps, Please mark it as best answer.

This was selected as the best answer
Renee KroonRenee Kroon
Thank you so much!!

You might also now a solution for the following?

I have this formula: 

IF(ISBLANK(AVTRRT__End_Date__c ), (AVTRRT__Start_Date__c <= TODAY()) , (AVTRRT__Start_Date__c <= TODAY() && AVTRRT__End_Date__c >= TODAY()))

But the problem is that any placement with a date in the future is not included.
How do I change the formula to get startdates in the futurealso included?
Sai PraveenSai Praveen (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Renee,

As this is seperate question can you post a new question so it helps other who uses this forum easily. 

Renee KroonRenee Kroon
I will thanks