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Crystal ReganCrystal Regan 

Why would the tier be stuck at 2 if my discount is 36% and ProjTerm is 3?

Why would the tier be stuck at 2 if my discount is 36% and ProjTerm is 3?

IF(Proj1_Term__c < 3, ‘Tier 3’,
IF( Discount_abs__c <= 0.15 , ‘Tier 1’,
IF( Discount_abs__c >0.15 && Discount__c <=0.30, ‘Tier 2’,
IF( Discount_abs__c >0.30, ‘Tier 3’, NULL ))))
Crystal ReganCrystal Regan
Of term is less than three, results should be tier three.
Otherwise, if discount is:
  • 15% or Lower is tier 1
  • 16-30% is tier 2
  • Greater than 30% is tier 3
SubratSubrat (Salesforce Developers) 
Hello Crystal ,

Can you please specify the exact requirement .

Thank you.