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Abhishek chauhan 20Abhishek chauhan 20 

Count the number of child records on the each parent record and then update on parent record field Total_child_count__c // Parent = Object1__c & Child = Object__C// They have a lookupRelation

SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
HI Abhishek,

Try below trigger
trigger UpdateParentChildCount on Object__c (after insert, after update, after delete) {
    // Get a set of all the parent IDs
    Set<Id> parentIds = new Set<Id>();
    for (Object__c child : {
    // Query for the count of child records for each parent
    Map<Id, Integer> childCounts = new Map<Id, Integer>();
    for (AggregateResult agg : [SELECT Object1__c, COUNT(Id) FROM Object__c WHERE Object1__c IN :parentIds GROUP BY Object1__c]) {
        childCounts.put((Id)agg.get('Object1__c'), (Integer)agg.get('expr0'));
    // Update the parent records with the child count
    List<Object1__c> parentsToUpdate = new List<Object1__c>();
    for (Id parentId : parentIds) {
        Object1__c parent = new Object1__c(Id=parentId);
        parent.Total_child_count__c = childCounts.get(parentId);
    update parentsToUpdate;

If this information helps, please mark the answer as best. Thank you
Abhishek chauhan 20Abhishek chauhan 20
Hi Swetha, Error = " SELECT Object_1__c, COUNT(Id) FROM Object_2__c ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:8 Invalid field: 'Object_1__c' " Trigger : trigger UpdateParentChildCount on Object_2__c (after insert, after update, after delete) { Set parentIds = new Set(); for (Object_2__c child : { parentIds.add(child.Child_Of__c); } Map childCounts = new Map(); for (AggregateResult agg : [SELECT Object_1__c, COUNT(Id) FROM Object_2__c WHERE Object_1__c IN :parentIds GROUP BY Object_1__c]) { childCounts.put((Id)agg.get('Object_1__c'), (Integer)agg.get('expr0')); } List parentsToUpdate = new List(); for (Id parentId : parentIds) { Object_1__c parent = new Object_1__c(Id=parentId); parent.Total_child_count__c = childCounts.get(parentId); parentsToUpdate.add(parent); } update parentsToUpdate; } Can You Help me with this...?
SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
Abhishek chauhan 20Abhishek chauhan 20
i want update the total count on parent field when chiild record is deleted like if the value in total count field is 10 so when we delete 2 child record in child obj so it will date 10-2 =8. in the parent obj in total count filed Object_1__c is a parent