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Himanshu GhateHimanshu Ghate 

ApexPages.Pagereference pageref = ApexPages.currentPage(); accountid = pageRef.getParameters().get('Id'); What the meaning of this?What they give in return?

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Best Answer chosen by Himanshu Ghate
SubratSubrat (Salesforce Developers) 
Hello Himanshu ,

As per your query this Apex block of code creates a reference to the current Visualforce page using the ApexPages class, and then retrieves a parameter named 'Id' from the URL of the page.

The retrieved value of the 'Id' parameter is then assigned to the 'accountid' variable.

The purpose of this code may be to retrieve the ID of an account record that was selected on the Visualforce page, so that the Apex code can perform further operations on that record.

If it helps please mark this as Best Answer.
Thank you.