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Nithyanandha NimmalaNithyanandha Nimmala 

Hi All, I am disabling a button using "List View Button Layout" option that is present in side bar of the object

I am doing this for so many objects , but i have observed that three objects in my org is not having the option "List View Button Layout" itself. Rest of the objects are having this option. All are custom objects btw Can anyone tell me what might be the reason for this. PS: I am in lightning environment only.
Best Answer chosen by Nithyanandha Nimmala
VinayVinay (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Nimmala,

Can you check if your 3 custom objects has tabs created ?  Without tabs you wont be able to see 'List View Button Layout' under object settings.

Please mark as Best Answer if above information was helpful.


All Answers

VinayVinay (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Nimmala,

Can you check if your 3 custom objects has tabs created ?  Without tabs you wont be able to see 'List View Button Layout' under object settings.

Please mark as Best Answer if above information was helpful.

This was selected as the best answer
Vinay is right. I stand corrected!
Nithyanandha NimmalaNithyanandha Nimmala
Hi Vinay, for one object i have a tab created but for the other two there is no tab
VinayVinay (Salesforce Developers) 
Can you re-create tabs for 3 objects and see if that works

Nithyanandha NimmalaNithyanandha Nimmala
Hi Vinay, thanks for your help. i tried that way
it's working now .