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Carlos Tasayco SilvaCarlos Tasayco Silva 

Product Option missing value in flow

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am trying to implement, however my flow is not working here, I left "the Error Occurred During Flow "recommender":"
Flow Details
Flow API Name: recommender
Type: Autolaunched Flow
Version: 8
Status: Active
Org: Telematica S.A. (00D2h0000008h3I)

Flow Interview Details
Interview Label: recommender 8/04/2022 05:14 PM
Interview GUID: 1451f044bebc1d976c06bc256a31800b255194-2989
Current User: Carlos Tasayco Silva (0054p000003KVqu)
Start time: 8/04/2022 05:14 PM
Duration: 0 seconds
How the Interview Started
Carlos Tasayco Silva (0054p000003KVqu) started the flow interview.
API Version for Running the Flow: 54
Some of this flow's variables were set when the interview started.
$Record = OpportunityLineItem (00k2h000006fcAEAAY)
GET RECORDS: obtain data from opportunity products
Find all OpportunityLineItem records where:
Id Equals {!$Record.Id} (00k2h000006fcAEAAY)

Store the values of these fields in obtain_data_from_opportunity_products: Id
Successfully found records.
GET RECORDS: Obtain all products
Find all Product2 records.
Store the values of these fields in Obtain_all_products: Id
Successfully found records.
DECISION: Es desktop2
Outcome executed: Es_desktops
Outcome conditions:
1. {!$Record.Product2Id} (01t46000000HWZwAAO) Equals 01t46000003fkVNAAY
2. {!$Record.Product2Id} (01t46000000HWZwAAO) Equals 01t46000000HWZwAAO
Logic: One condition must be true (OR)
ASSIGNMENT: desktop product1
{!product1_desktop} Equals 01t4p000003YZL2AAO
{!product1_desktop} = "01t4p000003YZL2AAO"
CREATE RECORDS: recommender
Create one Recommender__c record where:
desktop_product1__c = {!product1_desktop} (01t4p000003YZL2AAO)
Failed to create record.
Error Occurred: This error occurred when the flow tried to create records: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING: Required fields are missing: [Product_Option__c]. You can look up ExceptionCode values in the SOAP API Developer Guide.
Apparently I have to create a record in this field "Product_Option__c", I think is a standard record because I didnt create in my custom object. What I have to put in that field?

I look forward hearing from you soon, 

Wam regards
AnkaiahAnkaiah (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Carlos,

As per your flow, you are trying to create Recommender__c record and you were not assigning value to Product_Option__c field.  Create record element add the Product_Option__c field will resolve the issue.

If this helps, Please mark it as best answer.

Samuel Joseph 14Samuel Joseph 14
Hi, You are lagging in the assigning value properly to the product option c field. Just have a look on gta vice city script ( It will give you complete idea that what you have to do. first you have to create a new record element or product option c field. 
Roger PerkinRoger Perkin
I would like to implement something like this on my website to collect a database of information. any ideas?