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Rajkumar T GRajkumar T G 

Create a Formula Field that Returns a Number

Hi guys,
I got this error On that Cylinder Volume Challenge In Admin Advanced Module

Challenge not yet complete 
We created an opportunity with radius and height values. We expected the 'Cylinder_Volume__c' field to show the correct cylinder volume, but it didn’t. Make sure that your formula uses the correct calculation for the volume of a cylinder, and that radius x radius is enclosed in parentheses.

Imran TMImran TM
Hi Rajkumar T G

I think you're missing the ROUND() function. Try this:

If this solution helps, please mark it as the best answer.

mukesh guptamukesh gupta
Hi Rajkumar,

You can use one from below Formula:-
3.14159 *  (radius__c ^2) *  height__c
ROUND(3.14159 * radius__c * radius__c * height__c,0)

if you need any assistanse, Please let me know!!

Kindly mark my solution as the best answer if it helps you.
