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Alka PatelAlka Patel 

Data security - Control Access to Fields

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Trailhead Challenges
I am trying to complete the following challenge and I can't seem to get it right. Do you mind helping me with the steps? In the Sales profile, we can't find the correct permissions for the Rating field on the Account object
Challenge Requirements
Clone the Standard User profile:
Existing Profile: Standard User
Profile Name: Sales
Control access for the Sales profile:
Standard Object Permissions:
Accounts: Read, Create, Edit
Contacts: Read, Create, Edit
Field Permissions:
Rating field on the Account object: no access
All other permissions from the Standard User profile remain as is
Create a new permission set:
Label: Rating
API Name: Rating
User License: Salesforce
Control access for the Rating permission set:
Field Permissions:
Rating field on the Account object: Read Access, Edit Access
VinayVinay (Salesforce Developers) 
Please note that Questions about how to pass Trailhead challenges are not on topic, because these challenges are intended to be independent demonstrations of your abilities.

Trailhead Help ( provide assistance for situations where Trailhead does not appear to be functioning correctly. You can reach out to them if this is the case.

Please close the thread by selected as Best Answer so that we can keep our community clean

Alka PatelAlka Patel
I am not asking on how to pass the section i am not able to see the sections that it is asking me to follow when i folow the steps 
Alka PatelAlka Patel
Standard User does not show up under Permission Sets and i am folling the steps step by step
VinayVinay (Salesforce Developers) 
If you see any issues kindly reach out to trailhead support team and they can help you.


Arlene BarrArlene Barr
Defining field-level security for sensitive fields is the second piece of the security and sharing puzzle, after controlling object-level access.

In some cases, you want users to have access to an object, but limit their access to individual fields in that object. Field-level security settings—or field permissions—control whether a user can see, edit, and delete the value for a particular field on an object. These are the settings that allow us to protect sensitive fields such as a candidate's social security number without having to hide the candidate object.

Unlike page layouts, which only control the visibility of fields on detail and edit pages, field-level security controls the visibility of fields in any part of the app, including related lists, list views, reports, and search results. In fact, to make absolutely sure that a user can't access a particular field, it's important to use the field-level security page for a given object to restrict access to the field. There are simply no other shortcuts that provide the same level of protection for a particular field.

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