function readOnly(count){ }
Starting November 20, the site will be set to read-only. On December 4, 2023,
forum discussions will move to the Trailblazer Community.
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SF-PD RookieSF-PD Rookie 

Experience Cloud


I'm trying to figure out if we can hide certain fields in the Experience Cloud Site without it affecting the Salesforce Object in production. Couldn't set field level permissions as this field was visible by default to the users with this type of community license. Also since there is no separate page layout we cannot make changes to the one in SF. Has anyone come across this scenario?

VinayVinay (Salesforce Developers) 
As per my understanding, you would need to build-in custom page and display fields as per your requirement.

Arlene BarrArlene Barr
Community Cloud is now called Experience Cloud. Obviously not a new feature, but this is a nod to the fact that Community Cloud was always really more than just for “communities”. Public-facing help centers and knowledge, public-facing sites hosted with Salesforce, and even mobile apps have always leveraged this cloud without being a real community. At points, this was confusing trying to explain how we were “building a Community” when it was anything but, so it’s good to see the branding realize this. Ideally, we’ll see the product push even harder into the non-community type use cases which will make it even more powerful and flexible. Mynordstrom (