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sandy ksandy k 

I have trigger on Opportunity object and batch class which updates the same Opportunity object, how can I write test class only for batch class

Hi Guys,

I have trigger on Opportunity object  with events insert,update and delete and batch class which updates the same Opportunity object, how can I write test class only for  batch class.

When I am writing test class coverage only for batch class and inserting test Opportunity data, the test code covering trigger also and throw error System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101. How can I skip executing trigger code from test class execution which should only cover batch class. How can I achieve this

AnkaiahAnkaiah (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Sandy,

Have you tried with Test.startTest() &  Test.stopTest() in your test menthod?

        insert Opp;
