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visual force page error (see error)

Am upgrading the API for a VF page and getting an error:
Error: Special_Considerations_PDF line 51, column 42: The element type "br" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</br>"
Error: The element type "br" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</br>".

here is the line 51 referenced in the error :

<tr><td>Paper Supply<br>Order Protocol:</td><td><apex:outputText value="{!account.Supply_Status__c}"/></td></tr>

Where does this matching end tag need to go?  Is there a sample page availble ithat would be helpful?
Thank you:
AnkaiahAnkaiah (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Jeff,

you have missed the </br> end tag.

try with below.
<td>Paper Supply<br>Order Protocol:</td></br>
<td><apex:outputText value="{!account.Supply_Status__c}"/></td>

If this helps, please mark it as best answer.

Hello Ankaiah- Seem to be getting a different error now that is related to a separate PDF header VF page.  Do you know of someone who can help us to update some of our visual force pages to the current API versions? We have a few of them.  Thank you
AnkaiahAnkaiah (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Jeff, 

You can able to update the API version of your VF pages.

follow the below steps:

1.Edit a Visualforce page or component and click Version Settings
2.Select the Version of the Salesforce API. This is also the version of Visualforce used with the page or component.
3.Click Save.

You can only modify the version settings for a page or custom component on the Version Settings tab when editing the page or component in Setup.

Refer the below screenshots: 

User-added image

User-added image

If this helps, Please mark it as best answer.


Ankaiah- Thank you.  I am aware of that update.  However, some visual force pages are not displaying correctly when updated or have coding issues that prevent us from updating them at all.  I am looking for some help with updating the code on the VF pages, so they are compatible with the current API version.   
Thank you
Hello Ankaiah - do you do any development work for hire or know anyone that does?  We are needing to update some code on some visual force pages to get it to the current API version. 
Thank you