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trigger to count the number of related records
I have a requirement to count the number of candidates looking upto a Test Center object. The field "No of Candidates" on the Test Center object should calculate the number of candidates associated.
I wrote an After trigger but it's not updating the field:
trigger candidateTrigger on Candidate__c (after insert, after update, after delete) {
candidateTriggerHandler.calcNoOfCandidates(Trigger.isDelete ? Trigger.old :;
//Handler class
public class candidateTriggerHandler {
public static void calcNoOfCandidates(List<Candidate__c> candList){
Set<ID> TestCenters= New Set<ID>();
for(Candidate__c can:candList){
if(can.Test_Center__r.ID != NULL){
Map<Id,List<Candidate__c>> mapTestCntrToCand = New Map<Id,List<Candidate__c>>();
for(Test_Center__c tc:[SELECT ID, No_of_Candidates__c , (SELECT Id FROM Candidates__r)
FROM Test_Center__c WHERE Id IN:TestCenters]){
mapTestCntrToCand.put(tc.Id, tc.Candidates__r);
for(Candidate__c can:candList){
Integer noOfCands=0;
for(Candidate__c c:mapTestCntrToCand.get(can.Test_Center__r.ID)){
system.debug('no of cndts inside for loop: '+ noOfCands);
can.Test_Center__r.No_of_Candidates__c = noOfCands;
system.debug('no of cndts outside for loop: '+ noOfCands);
I have a requirement to count the number of candidates looking upto a Test Center object. The field "No of Candidates" on the Test Center object should calculate the number of candidates associated.
I wrote an After trigger but it's not updating the field:
trigger candidateTrigger on Candidate__c (after insert, after update, after delete) {
candidateTriggerHandler.calcNoOfCandidates(Trigger.isDelete ? Trigger.old :;
//Handler class
public class candidateTriggerHandler {
public static void calcNoOfCandidates(List<Candidate__c> candList){
Set<ID> TestCenters= New Set<ID>();
for(Candidate__c can:candList){
if(can.Test_Center__r.ID != NULL){
Map<Id,List<Candidate__c>> mapTestCntrToCand = New Map<Id,List<Candidate__c>>();
for(Test_Center__c tc:[SELECT ID, No_of_Candidates__c , (SELECT Id FROM Candidates__r)
FROM Test_Center__c WHERE Id IN:TestCenters]){
mapTestCntrToCand.put(tc.Id, tc.Candidates__r);
for(Candidate__c can:candList){
Integer noOfCands=0;
for(Candidate__c c:mapTestCntrToCand.get(can.Test_Center__r.ID)){
system.debug('no of cndts inside for loop: '+ noOfCands);
can.Test_Center__r.No_of_Candidates__c = noOfCands;
system.debug('no of cndts outside for loop: '+ noOfCands);
Take Refference from Below Code
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What does this debug line give
system.debug('no of cndts inside for loop: '+ noOfCands);
Take Refference from Below Code
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Hi CharuDutt: That was really helpful. I tried doing the same. Unfortunately, it's still not updating:
public static void calcNoOfCandidates(List<Candidate__c> candList){
Set<ID> TestCenters= New Set<ID>();
for(Candidate__c can:candList){
//if(can.Test_Center__r.ID != NULL){
List<Test_Center__c> testCntrsToUpdt1 = New List<Test_Center__c>();
List<Test_Center__c> testCntrsToUpdt = [SELECT ID, No_of_Candidates__c , (SELECT Id FROM Candidates__r)
FROM Test_Center__c WHERE Id IN:TestCenters];
for(Test_Center__c tc:testCntrsToUpdt){
tc.No_of_Candidates__c = tc.Candidates__r.size();
update testCntrsToUpdt1;
You are Doing Different Read And Compare My Code it succesfully running in my org
Hi CharuDutt....
Same code yet no luck:
public static void calcNoOfCandidates(List<Candidate__c> candList, map<Id,Candidate__c>oldmap){
Set<ID> TestCenters= New Set<ID>();
for(Candidate__c can:candList){
if(can.Test_Center__c != null && can.Test_Center__c != oldMap.get(can.Id).Test_Center__c){
//if(can.Test_Center__r.ID != NULL){
List<Test_Center__c> testCntrsToUpdt1 = New List<Test_Center__c>();
List<Test_Center__c> testCntrsToUpdt = [SELECT ID, No_of_Candidates__c , (SELECT Id FROM Candidates__r)
FROM Test_Center__c WHERE Id IN:TestCenters];
for(Test_Center__c tc:testCntrsToUpdt){
tc.No_of_Candidates__c = tc.Candidates__r.size();
update testCntrsToUpdt1;
Your Are Using 'Test_Center__r.ID' in For Loop If Condition While I'm Using This 'Test_Center__c ' This Is The Deiffrence See It Now
Thanks CharuDutt...
It really works now!!