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Steve BerleySteve Berley 

Package Install Error: Couldn't validate Quick Action


I'm creating a package and when I try and deploy it to my test org, I'm getting the following error:
Data_Summary_Object_Record_Page: Component [force:highlightsPanel] attribute [actionNames]: We couldn't validate Quick Action LeftProp_DSS__Data_Summary__c.Run_Summary_Now

Run_Summary_Now is an action (button) on the Data_Summary_Object_Record_Page which calls a flow.  

I've verified that the action, page and flow are all in the package, and all work perfectly in the dev org.

Any ideas why this is failing?  Also, how does one even validate a quick action, especially one that just calls a flow?


Millie AllenMillie Allen
I populated the formula field with whatever value I wanted to be deployed in the target org.