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Asish Behera 14Asish Behera 14 

Pre select rows programmatically in LWC

Hi All,
I am trying to preselect rows in lighting data tabel, but it is not working out. I could see the value in console but table row is not selected. Any help would be highly apprecaited. 

Here is my code.
Java Script code
import { LightningElement,api,wire,track} from 'lwc';
import getAssociatedFacility from '@salesforce/apex/AssignFacilityLWCController.getAssociatedFacility';
import createOpportunuity from '@salesforce/apex/AssignFacilityLWCController.createOpportunuity';

import { ShowToastEvent } from 'lightning/platformShowToastEvent';
const columns = [
    { label: 'Facility', fieldName: 'Facility' },
    { label: 'Admission Director', fieldName: 'AdmissionDirector', type: 'text' },
    { label: 'Phone', fieldName: 'Phone', type: 'phone' },
export default class AssignFacilityLWCModal extends LightningElement {
    @api recordId;
    @api accountId;
    @api leadName;
    @track data;
    @track columns = columns;
    @track error;
    @track preSelectedRows;
    getAssociatedFacilityWired({ error, data }) {
        if (data) {
             // console.log('data:' + JSON.stringify(data));
               let tempRecords = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( data.assignWrapperList ) );
                    tempRecords = row => {
                    return { ...row, Facility: row.healthCenter.Signature_Healthcare_Center__r.Facility_Short_Name__c, 
                    AdmissionDirector: row.healthCenter.Signature_Healthcare_Center__r.Admission_Director__r.Name, 
                    Phone: row.healthCenter.Signature_Healthcare_Center__r.Phone__c };
    = tempRecords;
             this.preSelectedRows = data.selectedIdSet; // data.selectedIdset alreasy set in apext controller
             //this.preSelectedRows = ["a1d7A000000jZJhQAM"];
            console.log('this.preSelectedRows length2-->',this.preSelectedRows.length); // it prints 1 
           // = data;
            this.error = undefined;
        } else if (error) {
            this.error = error;
   = undefined;

Apex Controller 
    public static AssignFacilityListWrapper getAssociatedFacility(Id sLeadId,Id sAccountId){
       List<AssignFacilityWrapper> assignFacilitywrapperList = new List<AssignFacilityWrapper>();
       AssignFacilityListWrapper listWrapObj = new AssignFacilityListWrapper();
       AssignFacilityWrapper assignFacilityWrap;
       set<Id> setOfFacilityIds = new set<Id>();
       map<Id,Opportunity> map_FacilityId_oppy = new map<Id,Opportunity>();
       for(Opportunity oppy :[select id,Facility__c from Opportunity where Lead__c = :sLeadId]){
        for(Associated_Healthcare_Center__c healthCenter: [SELECT id,Signature_Healthcare_Center__c,Signature_Healthcare_Center__r.phone__c,
                 FROM Associated_Healthcare_Center__c 
                 WHERE Account__c =:sAccountId 
                 Order By Signature_Healthcare_Center__r.Facility_Short_Name__c]){
            assignFacilityWrap = new AssignFacilityWrapper();
            assignFacilityWrap.healthCenter = healthCenter;
            if(map_FacilityId_oppy !=null && map_FacilityId_oppy.containsKey(healthCenter.Signature_Healthcare_Center__c)){
               assignFacilityWrap.isSelected = true; 
        listWrapObj.assignWrapperList = assignFacilitywrapperList;
        listWrapObj.selectedIdSet = setOfFacilityIds;
        //return assignFacilitywrapperList;
       return listWrapObj;
  public class AssignFacilityWrapper{
          @AuraEnabled public boolean isSelected{get;set;}
          @AuraEnabled public boolean isExisting{get;set;}         
          @AuraEnabled public Associated_Healthcare_Center__c healthCenter{get;set;}
          public AssignFacilityWrapper(){
           isSelected = false;
           isExisting = false;
    public class AssignFacilityListWrapper{
        @AuraEnabled public List<AssignFacilityWrapper> assignWrapperList{get;set;}
         @AuraEnabled public set<Id> selectedIdSet {get; set;}
Template code
<div style="height: 300px;">