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Avinash AngasayAvinash Angasay 


1.) Get all the opportunities,contacts,notes related to an Account where Account Name starts with ‘B’.
Ans -select id,Name,(select id, Name,StageName From Opportunities), (Select id from Notes) ,(Select LastName from Contacts) from Account where Name like 'B%'
2.) Get the account name,notes,contacts related to an opportunity where opportunity name ends with ‘A’.
Ans-select id,Name,, (Select id from Notes) ,(Select id from OpportunityContactRoles) from Opportunity where Name like '%A'

Create a map for above,use the queries of  - create all the maps asked below-
Where key will be the account id and list of records as value. It should be like this,
Create 3 maps for opportunities, contacts and notes: Map> Map> Map>
Best Answer chosen by Avinash Angasay
Sai PraveenSai Praveen (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Avinash,

The code will be as below.
Map<id,List<Opportunity>> Oppmap = new Map<id,List<Opportunity>>(); 
Map<id,List<Note>> notmap = new Map<id,List<Note>>(); 
Map<id,List<Contact>> conmap = new Map<id,List<Contact>>(); 
List<Account> AccountList = [select id,Name,(select id, Name,StageName From Opportunities), (Select id from Notes) ,(Select LastName from Contacts) from Account where Name like 'B%'];
for(Account acc : AccountList){

You have to implement similar way for second one as well.

Let me know if you face any issues.

If this solution helps, Please mark it as best answer.
