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Rajkumar CV 12
Please help me in writing Test class for the below code
List<Case> localemailaddress = new List<Case>([SELECT ID,AV_Local_Affiliate_Inbox__c FROM Case Where Id IN : newCaseMap.keySet()]);
if(localemailaddress.size()>0 && localemailaddress!=null&&localemailaddress.get(0).AV_Local_Affiliate_Inbox__c!=null){
String affiliateemail=String.valueOf(localemailaddress.get(0).AV_Local_Affiliate_Inbox__c);
Please let me know it is very urgent.
if(localemailaddress.size()>0 && localemailaddress!=null&&localemailaddress.get(0).AV_Local_Affiliate_Inbox__c!=null){
String affiliateemail=String.valueOf(localemailaddress.get(0).AV_Local_Affiliate_Inbox__c);
Please let me know it is very urgent.
Are you sure that you have value in the newCaseMap.keySet()?