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Sanket NagpureSanket Nagpure 

if the user created the record and attempts to change the owner within a minute of creating the record they should be able to do that ? validation Rule

if the user created the record and attempts to change the owner within a minute of creating the record they should be able to do that  ? Validation Rule
Rounak SharmaRounak Sharma
hello Sanket,
If the user wants to change the Owner of the record automatically or you can say to automate this process in salesforce You can use 
1) Workflow
2)Process Builder
Validation rules are used to restrict only.

Please let me know if it helps you.
Nubes Elite Technologies Pvt. LtdNubes Elite Technologies Pvt. Ltd
Hi Sanket,

You can try this as per your requirement.

1) Goto Setup.
2) On the left hand side in the Quick Find Box, search for Workflow Rule.
3) Click on New Rule.
4) Select the object to which you want to apply the workflow rule, then click Next.
5) Give the suitable rule name.
6) In the "Evaluation Criteria" section, select "created, and any time it's edited to subsequently meet criteria".
7) In the "Rule Criteria" section, give the criteria when you want the Owner of the particular record to be changed as per your requirement and click on Next.
8) Click on Add workflow action under Immediate Workflow Actions section and click on New Field Update.
9) Give the name for field update and press tab button from keyboard, it will automatically update the Unique Name.
10) Select owner in the Field To Update field.
11) In the "Specify New Field Value" section select to whom you want to transfer the ownership either queue or user.
12) Then click on Save.

Thank You,
Development | Training | Consulting

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