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Sanket NagpureSanket Nagpure 

Can we set firing time to validation Rule ?

Team NubesEliteTeam NubesElite
Hi Sanket,
It's not possible. Validation rules fire early in the process; if you're using a workflow rule or process builder to check the box, it's already too late for the validation rule to take effect. See the Triggers and Order of Execution document.

Thank You

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Please Mark this as solution if your problem resolved.
Sanket NagpureSanket Nagpure
Nubes Elite Technologies Pvt. LtdNubes Elite Technologies Pvt. Ltd
I request you to mark this as solution if it helped you, so as to help others.

Thank You.
Sanket NagpureSanket Nagpure
Actually Your suggestion is good but it is not the solution of my problem. 
Sanket NagpureSanket Nagpure
I got the solution of that in validation rule,Anyway thanks