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Robert Robinson 48
Apex error in UAT after refresh from Production
We are using an Apex class to allow users to select and insert a value (Extraction Vehicle) on a CPQ Quote Line (Apex Class named qtc_ExtractionCTRL). This Apex Class worked fine in the UAT environment until UAT was refreshed from Production. The Apex Class code is shown below:
public class qtc_ExtractionCTRL {
public String qlId {get;set;}
public ExtractionVehicle__c theExtraction {get;set;}
public List exList {get;set;}
public qtc_ExtractionCTRL(){
this.qlId = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Id');
this.theExtraction = new ExtractionVehicle__c();
this.exList = [SELECT Id, ExtractionVehicleName__c, QuoteLine__c FROM ExtractionVehicle__c WHERE QuoteLine__c =: qlId];
public void Submit()
theExtraction.QuoteLine__c = qlId;
theExtraction = new ExtractionVehicle__c();
exList = [SELECT Id, ExtractionVehicleName__c, QuoteLine__c FROM ExtractionVehicle__c WHERE QuoteLine__c =: qlId];
The error that we see when the Apex Class fires is:
"Invalid id:
Error is in expression '{!Submit}' in component in page qtc_extraction: Class.qtc_ExtractionCTRL.Submit: line 15, column 1
An unexpected error has occurred. Your development organization has been notified."
The line in question is : theExtraction.QuoteLine__c = qlId;
From what I can figure, the Class is referencing Production somehow. I am not sure how.
public class qtc_ExtractionCTRL {
public String qlId {get;set;}
public ExtractionVehicle__c theExtraction {get;set;}
public List exList {get;set;}
public qtc_ExtractionCTRL(){
this.qlId = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Id');
this.theExtraction = new ExtractionVehicle__c();
this.exList = [SELECT Id, ExtractionVehicleName__c, QuoteLine__c FROM ExtractionVehicle__c WHERE QuoteLine__c =: qlId];
public void Submit()
theExtraction.QuoteLine__c = qlId;
theExtraction = new ExtractionVehicle__c();
exList = [SELECT Id, ExtractionVehicleName__c, QuoteLine__c FROM ExtractionVehicle__c WHERE QuoteLine__c =: qlId];
The error that we see when the Apex Class fires is:
"Invalid id:
Error is in expression '{!Submit}' in component in page qtc_extraction: Class.qtc_ExtractionCTRL.Submit: line 15, column 1
An unexpected error has occurred. Your development organization has been notified."
The line in question is : theExtraction.QuoteLine__c = qlId;
From what I can figure, the Class is referencing Production somehow. I am not sure how.