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Frank SockFrank Sock 

Matching User Ids to User Names

I have exported a list of user ids and login times to an excel spreadsheet and am looking for a way to match those Ids up with user names such that I can populate the rows next to the Ids with their names.  Is this possible by pulling a list of user names and ids in workbench and using a VLOOKUP formula in excel?  Can I do VLOOKUP in salesforce for a list like this? 

Best Answer chosen by Frank Sock
Frank SockFrank Sock
Solved - VLOOKUP formula function in excel works great.  Exported Ids, Names to excel (say they are in columns C and D, and used the following formula in a blank cell (column B), with the Ids I need to get names for in column A: =VLOOKUP(A2, C:D, 2, False).