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Ricki ReayRicki Reay 

Formatting Right Side URL Image Hosted on SF Site and Coded on Visualforce Page

Hi there,

I am working on customizing my organization's login page's right side image. I followed a tutorial article posted by someone that explained how to use the SF > Set Up > Site to create a secure HTTPS url and then format the image on a Visualforce page to use on the Site. 

I have done this, and everything works great, expect the image does not dynamically stretch in length. If the browser is fully maximized, the image does fill the screen, however, if it is minimized to not fill the screen there is a blank white space underneath it (see image attached). I have tried to change the visualforce coding of the page, but cannot get it to work. 

Any help and insght to fix this issue is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,


For reference, here is the VF page code I have in place currently. The image I want to show and fill on the right side of the login page is saved as a Static Resource in my SF org as "LifeBeyondBanking".
<apex:page showHeader="false" sidebar="false" >
<apex:image id="LifeBeyondBanking" value="{!$Resource.LifeBeyondBanking}" width="100%" height="100%" alt="Company Name - Life Beyond Banking"/>

Blank space underneath right side URL image (coded on VF and hosted on SF site)
Bram Raatjes 1Bram Raatjes 1
Did you find a solution in the end?
jerknoz joejerknoz joe