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Agnibha Chakrabarti 10Agnibha Chakrabarti 10 

Restrict a text a user (Including Sysem Admin) to edit a text field manually

I have n object student, which has two fields Completed Course(Text) and Course requested(pick List)
User-added image

I have a trigger which update the Completed course field automatically.......
My requirement is to restrict Any user from Editing the Completed Course field manually.
I tried to make this field 'Read Only' , but System Admin Still can edit the record manually.

is there any way such that Completed couse field gets updated only by trigger and nothing else?

Thank you
Best Answer chosen by Agnibha Chakrabarti 10
Boss CoffeeBoss Coffee
Is your requirement to prevent them from editing the displayed Completed Courses on a page layout? I ask because as a System Admin they can always find a way around such limitations because of their permissions (as expected of a System Admin).

If just the page layout is a requirement, then one solution could be a formula field that just takes the value of the Completed Courses field. Then replace the Completed Courses field with the formula field on the page layout.

All Answers

Boss CoffeeBoss Coffee
Is your requirement to prevent them from editing the displayed Completed Courses on a page layout? I ask because as a System Admin they can always find a way around such limitations because of their permissions (as expected of a System Admin).

If just the page layout is a requirement, then one solution could be a formula field that just takes the value of the Completed Courses field. Then replace the Completed Courses field with the formula field on the page layout.
This was selected as the best answer
Agnibha Chakrabarti 10Agnibha Chakrabarti 10
thanks....that would do the work