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Agnibha Chakrabarti 10Agnibha Chakrabarti 10 

How to make a lookup input in lightning component and store it in object

I have to replicate the New Case to create a new case in lightning component. I have to create look up input box in that page.
and Store the value in case object after clicking the Save button.

Can anybody help me with the creation of lookup input field and storing it into the Case object?

Best Answer chosen by Agnibha Chakrabarti 10
Devi ChandrikaDevi Chandrika (Salesforce Developers) 

To create lookup input field in lightning we have to create custom lightning component.
Please refer below links which might help you with this

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Hope this helps you
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Devi ChandrikaDevi Chandrika (Salesforce Developers) 

To create lookup input field in lightning we have to create custom lightning component.
Please refer below links which might help you with this

Here is an idea to vote on this

Hope this helps you
If this helps kindly mark it as solved so that it may help others in future.

Thanks and Regards

This was selected as the best answer
narinder singh 37narinder singh 37
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