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Starting November 20, the site will be set to read-only. On December 4, 2023,
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Alex Packard 5Alex Packard 5 

The Developer Forums Are Useless

If you run into a bug in the Salesforce platform, Salesforce tells you to post here for support.  If you post a bug here, you receive no support.  Usually you don't receive so much as a reply.

Any other frustrated devlopers out there?

Salesforce, how about some accountability when your platform does not work as advertised?
Danish HodaDanish Hoda
Hi Alex,
This is not the case, people are always here to help.
Sometimes it might happen that quetions get missed but the probability would be so low.
If your requirement needs to be addressed urgently, you can always reach out people (with more number of answers) on their twitter/linkedIn handles as well. 
Alex Packard 5Alex Packard 5
In that case someone please help me with this issue:

I have two other questions that were never answered as well, but the above is the one that is most urgent to me