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Arpitha MArpitha M 

Adding a today's date?

Hi ,

I am getting a parsing error at line which is bold and underlined.
While I am reading today's date.
Please help me out to resolve this problem.

import { LightningElement, track,wire } from 'lwc';
import { getPicklistValues, getPicklistValuesByRecordType } from 'lightning/uiObjectInfoApi';
import { getObjectInfo } from 'lightning/uiObjectInfoApi';
import HOTEL_OBJECT from '@salesforce/schema/Hotel_Information__c';
import searchroom from '@salesforce/apex/RoomSearch_ctrl.searchroom';
import addtocart from '@salesforce/apex/AddToCart_ctrl.addToCart';

export default class ButtonGroupBasic extends LightningElement {
    @track tdate;
    @track dd;
    @track mm;
    @track yyyy;
    @track inputvalue;
    @track Buttontrue=true;
    @track date1;
    @track value;
    @track id;
    @track roomTypeList;
    @track controllingValues = []; // Zone values
    @track dependentValues = [];   // state values
    @track hotelvalues= []; // Hotel values
    @track selectedZone;
    @track selectedState;
    @track selectedHotel;
    @track isEmpty = false;
    @track error;
    totalDependentValues = []; // dependent state values
    totalDepHotelValues=[];    // dependent hotel values
    @track loaded= true;
    dd = new Date().getDate();
    mm = new Date().getMonth() + 1;
    yyyy = new Date().getFullYear();
    if(dd < 10){
         dd = '0'+dd;
    if(mm < 10){
         mm = '0'+mm;
    tdate = this.yyyy+'-''-'+this.dd;
        this.inputvalue =;
        if(this.inputvalue > 0){
            this.Buttontrue= true;

        console.log("check in:",this.date1);
    @wire(getObjectInfo, { objectApiName: HOTEL_OBJECT })
    // Picklist values based on record type
    @wire(getPicklistValuesByRecordType, { objectApiName: HOTEL_OBJECT, recordTypeId: '$'})
    zonePicklistValues({error, data}) {
        if(data) {
            this.error = null;
            let zoneOptions = [{label:'--None--', value:'--None--'}];
            // Zone Control Field Picklist values
           data.picklistFieldValues.zone__c.values.forEach(key => {
                    label : key.label,
                    value: key.value
            this.controllingValues = zoneOptions;
            let stateOptions = [{label:'--None--', value:'--None--'}];
             // State Control Field Picklist values
            this.controlValues = data.picklistFieldValues.States__c.controllerValues;
            // State dependent Field Picklist values
            this.totalDependentValues = data.picklistFieldValues.States__c.values;
            let hotelOptions = [{label:'--None--',value:'--None--'}];
            //Hotel field picklist values
            this.controlValues2 = data.picklistFieldValues.Hotel__c.controllerValues;
            // Hotel dependent Field Picklist values
           this.totalDepHotelValues = data.picklistFieldValues.Hotel__c.values;
        else if(error) {
            this.error = JSON.stringify(error);
    handleZoneChange(event) {
        // Selected Zone Value
        this.selectedZone =;
       // this.isEmpty = true;
        let dependValues = [];
        if(this.selectedZone) {
            // if Selected Zone is none returns nothing
            if(this.selectedZone === '--None--') {
                this.isEmpty = true;
                dependValues = [{label:'--None--', value:'--None--'}];
                this.selectedZone = null;
                this.selectedState = null;
                this.selectedHotel = null;
            // filter the total dependent values based on selected Zone value 
            this.totalDependentValues.forEach(conValues => {
                if(conValues.validFor[0] === this.controlValues[this.selectedZone]) {
                        label: conValues.label,
                        value: conValues.value
            this.dependentValues = dependValues;
           // console.log('state value'+JSON.stringify(this.dependentValues));
    handleStateChange(event) {
        this.selectedState =;
        this.isEmpty = false;
        let depend2Values = [];
        if(this.selectedState) {
            // if Selected state is none returns nothing
            if(this.selectedState === '--None--') {
                this.isEmpty = true;
                depend2Values = [{label:'--None--', value:'--None--'}];
                this.selectedState = null;
                this.selectedHotel = null;
            // filter the total dependent values based on selected Zone value 
            this.totalDepHotelValues.forEach(hValues => {
                if(hValues.validFor[0] === this.controlValues2[this.selectedState]) {
                        label: hValues.label,
                        value: hValues.value
            this.hotelvalues = depend2Values;
          //  console.log('on state change'+ JSON.stringify(this.hotelvalues));

        this.selectedHotel =;
        this.loaded = !this.loaded; = this.template.querySelector(".zone").value;
        this.state = this.template.querySelector(".state").value;
        this.hotelid = this.template.querySelector(".hotel").value;
        this.checkindate = this.template.querySelector(".checkin").value;
        this.checkoutdate = this.template.querySelector(".checkoutdate").value;
        this.bookeremail = this.template.querySelector(".bookeremail").value;
       // if(test){
            .then(result =>{
                //console.log('============result '+JSON.stringify(result));
                this.roomTypeList = result;
                console.log('accesskey'+ this.roomTypeList[0].accesskey);
      //  }
        this.loaded = !this.loaded;
        .then(result =>{
            //console.log('============result '+JSON.stringify(result));
                console.log('============save booking error'+JSON.stringify(error));
    handleChangeRegion(event) {
        this.value = event.detail.value;
    handleChangeHotel(event) { = event.detail.value;
    ratesIds = [];
    handleAddAction(event) {
        console.log('rates id++'+ JSON.stringify(this.ratesIds));         
    @track value = "initial value";
handleClick(evt) {
    console.log('Current value of the input: ' +;
    const allValid = [...this.template.querySelectorAll('.zone'),...this.template.querySelectorAll('.state'),...this.template.querySelectorAll('.hotel'),...this.template.querySelectorAll('.checkin'),...this.template.querySelectorAll('.checkoutdate'),...this.template.querySelectorAll('.bookeremail')]
        .reduce((validSoFar, inputCmp) => {
                    return validSoFar && inputCmp.checkValidity();
        }, true);
    if (allValid) {
        //alert('All form entries look valid. Ready to submit!');
        this.loaded = !this.loaded; = this.template.querySelector(".zone").value;
        this.state = this.template.querySelector(".state").value;
        this.hotelid = this.template.querySelector(".hotel").value;
        this.checkindate = this.template.querySelector(".checkin").value;
        this.checkoutdate = this.template.querySelector(".checkoutdate").value;
        this.bookeremail = this.template.querySelector(".bookeremail").value;
       // if(test){
            .then(result =>{
                //console.log('============result '+JSON.stringify(result));
                this.roomTypeList = result;
                console.log('accesskey'+ this.roomTypeList[0].accesskey);
    } else {
        alert('Please update the invalid form entries and try again.');
I guess you want to say:

dd = new Date().getDay();

If it helps, please mark as Best Answer to help others too.